Dr. Patricia Winter


Associate Professor (Music Therapy),
Coordinator of Graduate Music Program
Phone: 540-831-6160

Patricia Winter (Ph.D., MT-BC) Board-Certified Music Therapist and Associate Professor of Music at Radford University.

Patricia received her Bachelor’s of Science degree in music therapy from Elizabethtown College, in Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania and her Master’s of Music Therapy Degree and Ph.D. in Music Therapy from Temple University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Patricia’s full-time clinical experience includes working with adults with psychiatric diagnoses, Alzheimer’s disease, patients in an acute medical setting, as well as working with children and adolescents on the Autism spectrum, and those who are Deaf and hard of hearing.

Patricia has actively presented regionally, nationally, and internationally at music therapy conferences as well as conferences in other disciplines about the benefits of music therapy for diverse populations.  Her current interests include the impact of music therapy interventions for children with speech and language disorders and international music therapy practices.