You may use private scholarships as part of your semester payment, even if the university has not received the funds. However, before the payment deadline, the Office of the Bursar or Financial Aid will need a copy of the official award letter(s) from the organization(s) providing the funds be submitted. You may submit these award letters by email, mail, fax or in person. Once funds are received, if the scholarship does not designate how they must apply to the account (e.g., academic year, etc.), the total amount of the proceeds will apply to the current semester.
Mail scholarship payments made payable to Radford University to:
Radford University
Office of the Bursar
P.O. Box 6922
Radford, VA 24142
Scholarship payments made payable to the student and Radford University will need to be endorsed before the funds can apply to the student account.
Book Scholarships
Scholarship funds designated for books must be made payable to our contract company, Barnes & Noble, and mailed to:
Radford University Bookstore
P.O. Box 6894
Radford, VA 24142
All scholarship payments must include the student's information, such as name and I.D. #.
For more information regarding outside scholarships, check out Financial Aid's scholarship information page.