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ITEC 122


structural induction
tree height vs size

Here are the pertinent methods:
abstract class Tree { /* ... */ }

class EmptyTree extends Tree {
  int size() { return 0; }
  int height() { return 0; }
class Branch extends Tree {
  Tree left;
  Tree right;
  String data;
  int size() { return 1 + this.left.size() + this.right.size(); }
  int height() { return 1 + Math.max( this.left.height(), this.right.height() ) ; }

Let P be a statement indexed by trees (instead of indexed by numbers like in our previous induction proofs)

P(t) = “t.size() < 2t.height()”.
So for any Tree t, P(t) might be true or it might be false for all we know. … however, we'll endeavor to show that it is actually true for every single possible Tree.

  1. EmptyTree case: Let et be an EmptyTree.
    1. Then P(et) = “et.size() < 2et.height()”.
    2. By looking at the code for EmptyTree, we see that this translates to 0 < 20=1, which is true.
  2. Branch case: Let b be any Branch.
    1. Our inductive hypothesis is P(b.left)∧P(b.right). That is, b.left.size() < 2b.left.height() and b.right.size() < 2b.right.height()
    2. We need to show, in the inductive step, P(b). That is, we need to show b.size() < 2b.height().
    3. Inductive step:
      b.left.size() < 2b.left.height() (inductive hypothesis)
      b.right.size() < 2b.right.height() (inductive hypothesis)
      b.right.size() +1 ≤ 2b.right.height() (since both sides are integers, the amount of the inequality is at least 1)
      b.left.size() + b.right.size() + 2 ≤ 2b.left.height() + 2b.right.height() (adding two inequalities only strengthens it).
      (1+b.left.size() + b.right.size()) +1 ≤ 2b.left.height() + 2b.right.height() (algebra)
      b.size()+1 ≤ 2b.left.height() + 2b.right.height() (def'n of b.size())
      b.size()+1 ≤ 2max(b.left.height(), b.right.height()) + 2max(b.left.height(), b.right.height()) (increasing the exponent will not weaken the inequality)
      b.size()+1 ≤ 2·2max(b.left.height(), b.right.height()) (algebra)
      b.size()+1 ≤ 21+max(b.left.height(), b.right.height()) (algebra)
      b.size()+1 ≤ 2b.height() (by code for height)
      b.size() < 2b.height() (re-convert the ≤ to < by subtracting 1 from the left side.)
    4. Thus we have shown by structural induction that whether t is an EmptyTree or a Branch, P(t) holds whenever P holds for all sub-Trees of t. Thus by structural induction, we conclude ∀t.P(t).


©2007, Ian Barland, Radford University
Last modified 2007.Oct.30 (Tue)
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