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ITEC 120

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implementing a full class

Do problem P3.10 (Moths) from the textbook.
Note that there is a typo in the signature provided for getPosition; that method should return the moth's current location.

Also, write a method distanceToLight, which is given the position of a light, and returns the (full) distance between the light and the Moth. It doesn't change the Moth's position. As usual, complete the following steps in order:

Further practice, if you finish:
Add test cases, signature, and code for a method moveAgain. The method takes no inputs, and has the Moth move towards the light's last known location. The “last known location” initially starts as 0.0 (and is updated every time moveToLight or distanceToLight is called).

You might also make a second version of distanceToLight which takes no inputs, and returns the distance to the light's last known location.

textbooktutor/PIsjava.lang docsjava.util docs

©2009, Ian Barland, Radford University
Last modified 2009.Feb.16 (Mon)
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