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ITEC 120

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ITEC120: Principles of Computer Science I

Course Information, 2009.Spring, Barland

ITEC120 is an introduction to programming principles. It approaches programming as problem-solving, emphasizing:

The only pre-requisite is high school algebra; no previous computing experience is required. Most students find the course demanding, but also rewarding. Those who want a prepatory course in programming find it helpful to take ITEC 109 before taking ITEC 120. Although the course teaches these concepts using Java, the focus is on content which transcends particular languages and environments.

More concretely, here is a partial list of topics; see also a more complete list (arranged by topic) and the syllabus.

textbooktutor/PIsjava.lang docsjava.util docs

©2009, Ian Barland, Radford University
Last modified 2009.Apr.30 (Thu)
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