Make a Plan


Some emergencies have a recognizable build-up period in which preparedness actions can be taken, but many do not. It's critical to make a plan in advance of an emergency.  Plans for emergencies should be developed with family and friends.  The following items should be considered when developing your plan;

  • Communications Plan - How will you communicate with each other during an emergency? A communication plan is essential during an emergency.  Complete In Case of Emergency (I.C.E.) cards or develop these contacts in your phone.  Post emergency contact numbers in an easy-to-access location. Practicing your communication plan ahead of time will greatly improve your situation during an emergency.
  • Evacuation Plan - What is your evacuation plan?  Individuals should determine how they will need to evacuate buildings they frequent.  What are alternate routes out of the building in case your primary route in blocked?  Determine where your assembly area is located outside, if one has not been determined already.  Prepare to leave your building or home quickly and efficiently during an emergency.  Plan ahead of where you might go and the route you would take to get there.  Exercise your plan once created and practice at a minimum annually.
  • Shelter Plan - Sheltering is appropriate when conditions require that you seek protection in your home, where you work or other location during an emergency.  It's important to identify where your shelter location will be ahead of time.  The length of time you may be sheltered may vary dependent upon the emergency situation.

Individuals with functional needs should consider being part of a buddy system with a roommate, classmate, or colleague who could provide assistance and support before, during, and after an emergency. 

For more information on how individuals can make a plan, visit