
The Davis College of Business and Economics offers a wide array of exciting minor programs. These minors are carefully designed to enhance your academic experience and open up new opportunities for personal and professional growth.

Complementing your primary field of study (whether it be in business or outside of business) with a business minor opens doors to interdisciplinary collaboration, innovation, and a deeper understanding of the world around you. In today's fast-paced world equipping yourself with fundamental business skills isn't just advantageous—it's essential. By immersing yourself in our dynamic business curriculum, you'll gain a competitive edge that transcends industries, setting the stage for a future filled with limitless possibilities.

But it's not just about securing a job—it's about thriving in it. A minor in business isn't merely a credential; it's a transformative journey that cultivates adaptability, resilience, and a holistic understanding of how organizations operate in today's global marketplace.

The following minors are offered by the Davis College of Business and Economics:

  • Minor in Accounting (18 credit hours) - Gain invaluable insights into financial reporting, analysis and managerial decision-making, equipping you with the skills to excel in the world of finance and business.
  • Minor in Business Administration (18 credit hours) - Elevate your leadership potential, hone your strategic thinking, and discover the fundamentals of business for success in a variety of industries and roles (this minor is not available to students pursuing the Bachelor of Administration degree).
  • Minor in Economics (15 credit hours) - Dive into the complexities of economic theory and policy, preparing you to analyze the forces that shape the global economy.
  • Minor in Economic Forecasting (15-16 credit hours) - Master the art of forecasting and decision-making, a crucial skillset for businesses navigating dynamic markets.
  • Minor in Entrepreneurship (15 credit hours) - Cultivate your innovative spirit and learn the art of building and growing successful ventures and intrapeneurial from the ground up. 
  • Minor in Finance (18 credit hours) - Explore the world of investments, risk management, and corporate finance, gaining the skills to make informed financial decisions with confidence.
  • Minor in Information Systems (15 hours) - Empower yourself with the fusion of cutting-edge IT knowledge and business acumen to provide essential skills in the evolving digital landscape.
  • Minor in Management for non-BBA majors (18 credit hours) - Develop strong leadership and organizational skills, essential for success in any management role.
  • Minor in Management for BBA majors (21 credit hours) - Deepen your management expertise, preparing you for leadership positions in the business world.
  • Minor in Marketing (18 credit hours) - Unleash your creativity and learn the art of connecting products and services with consumers in an ever-evolving marketplace.
  • Minor in Real Estate and Insurance (18 credit hours) - Delve into the world of real estate and insurance, gaining a competitive edge in these dynamic industries.