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ITEC 380


lect05c: accumulator, foldr

We review another example of using the design recipe 
this time, mutually recursive: a file system.
That's the "v1" versions of total-size, ls.

We have learned about map, filter, and foldl.
Note that prefix-all is really a loop -- which type of loop is it?
Write total-size-v2 which is just like total-size-v1, except that
  instead of calling prefix-all, it uses the loop idiom directly.
  (Alternately: re-write the body of size-of-am
How would we use map, to add a prefix to each path in a list-of-paths?
(See -v2.)

Okay, that was okay.
Note that size-of-many was also a loop.  What type of loop?
Let's go further, and not even call 'size-of-many',
and call that loop idiom directly!
(See -v3.)

Practice: do the same as above for ls  
(write a ls-v2 which doesn't call prefix-all;
 then write a ls-v3 which doesn't call ls*.)

Okay, let's back up, to an easy example:
adding numbers in a list, using the template.

; In scheme:
(define (sum-all nums)
  (cond [(empty? nums) 0]
        [(cons?  nums) (+ (first nums) (sum-all (rest nums)))]))

// In Java:
int sumAll( List<Integer> nums ) {
  int ssf = 0;   // "sum-so-far"
  while (!nums.isEmpty()) {
    ssf = ssf + nums.get(0);
    num = nums.removeAt(0);
  return ssf;

How do these two implementations differ?
First, let's work the scheme version through the stepper,
on a list of 10 numbers:
- We have a stack of pending work!
- The scheme adds right-to-left, while Java adds left-to-right.
- the java is udpating (mutating) ssf, nums as we procede.
- the java might overflow int :-)

This is a big problem for scheme, building up all that stack space!

Solution: accumulators

(covered in lect06a):
(define (sum-all-v2 nums)
  (sum-all-loop nums 0))

(define (sum-all-loop nums ssf)
  (if (empty? nums)
      (sum-all-loop (rest nums) (+ ssf (first nums)))))
This scheme code is parallel to the Java: the helper-function is the body of the loop, and the inital wrapper function is the code that sets up the initial variables. The Java "ssf = ssf + nums.get(0)" corresponds to passing in (+ ssf (first nums)) as the "new" value of ssf in the recursive call. Similarly, passing in (rest nums) as the new value for nums corresponds to [Which line of the Java code?].


©2008, Ian Barland, Radford University
Last modified 2008.Oct.14 (Tue)
Please mail any suggestions
(incl. typos, broken links)
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