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ITEC 380


Scheme warm-up

Due 2008.Sep.19 (Fri) in class. Turn in: a hard-copy of your programs, as well as an electronic copy of a single file (suffix “.ss”) on Blackboard(WebCT).

See scheme-resources—ITEC380 Scheme resources for reading links, and information on running scheme.

  1. (5pts) Programming Exercise 15.1 (volume of a sphere).
  2. (5pts) In DrScheme, select Language > Add Teachpack > (When you next hit Run, the interactions window should mention this teachpack along with the language-version etc..)

    Read about the following functions in DrScheme's helpdesk, and try them out in the interactions window:

    Using those library functions, create (compute) the following values:

    1. An empty scene with the image of a small fire placed on it. Name this scene (using define) “fire1”.
      (To get a gif/jpeg into DrScheme IDE, use Insert > Insert image…. You'll want to pass that image as one of the arguments to place-image.)
      You can use an image as shown at the bottom of the upcoming fire-fighting-game assignment.
    2. The scene fire1 with one blue circle (water droplet) placed onto it at (at a position of your choice). Name this scene drop1a.
    3. The scene fire1 with a water droplet in a different location: one pixel lower than in drop1a. Name this scene drop1b.
    4. Optional1 create an image like drop1a with two more drops. Write this as one expression, without using additional defines.
    Notice how place-image returns a new image; it doesn't modify its input values.

  3. (5pts) Define a structure to represent an airplane, with the following pieces of information: Construct three2 example airplanes:
    1. One example at any location, direction, picture you choose.
    2. the second should be just like the first, except it is one pixel to the right (assuming the plane is moving to the right).
    3. The third is just like the second except that it is moving in the opposite direction. (You can call reflect-v below, to generate a reflected version of your first image.)
  4. (5pts) Write the function draw-airplane : (-> airplane scene scene).
    Note: the function reflect-v : (-> image image), which creates a mirror-image, is provided here.
    If you used a symbol to represent the plane's direction, you'll want to use built-in primitive symbol=?. If you used a boolean, you might (but don't need to) use boolean=?.
  5. Write the function set-airplane-direction : (-> airplane symbol airplane), which consumes an airplane and a symbol (which is either 'left or 'right), and returns an airplane structure with the indicated direction. Use the provided reflect-v as needed, to reflect the airplane's image.
  6. (5pts) Programming Exercise 15.4 (count-zeroes). Use only the functions mentioned in the book (updating to the book's old-school dialect). (Don't, for example, use scheme's built-in filter.) Here are several test cases; provide at least two more as directed:
    (check-expect (count-zeroes empty) 0)
    (check-expect (count-zeroes (cons 7 empty)) 0)
    (check-expect (count-zeroes (cons 0 empty)) 1)
    ;(check-expect (count-zeroes (cons 2 (cons 0 empty))) 1))
    (check-expect (count-zeroes (cons 2 (cons 0 empty))) 1) ;; corrected (Sep.17 20:30)
       ;;; PROVIDE TWO MORE TEST CASES (using ‘cons’, not ‘list’)
  7. (5pts) Write subst:
    ; subst: (-> atom atom (list-of atom)  (list-of atom))
    (define (subst old new data) 
    (check-expect (subst 'apple 'zinger (list 'apple 'banana))
                  (list 'zinger 'banana))
    (check-expect (subst 'apple 'zinger (list 'cherry 'banana))
                  (list 'cherry 'banana))
    (check-expect (subst 'apple 'zinger (list 'apple 'banana 'apple 'kiwi 'apple))
                  (list 'zinger 'banana 'zinger 'kiwi 'zinger))
       ;;; PROVIDE ADDITIONAL TEST CASES (which can be simpler than the above)
    ;; Clarification (Sep.17 (Wed) 15:15):
    ;;    (list 'a 'b 'c)
    ;; returns
    ;;    (cons 'a (cons 'b (cons 'c empty))).
    ;; These two functions are related *but different*;
    ;; `list` tends to be useful for test-cases, while `cons` is usually what
    ;; you want inside your code.
    Use only functions mentioned in the book (updating to the book's old-school dialect).
  8. (5pts) Write insert-sort.
    (Hint: This follows directly from the design-recipe from How to Design Programs, which was also mentioned in lecture.) Good design suggests using a helper-function, to combine the result of the recursive call with the first element. Include adequate test-cases for your helper function.
    ; The original version had a mis-placed parenthesis; fixed here.
    (check-expect (insert-sort empty) empty)
    (check-expect (insert-sort (list 30)) (list 30))
    (check-expect (insert-sort (list 20 30)) (list 20 30))
    (check-expect (insert-sort (list 30 20)) (list 20 30))
    (check-expect (insert-sort (list 20 30 40)) (list 20 30 40))
    (check-expect (insert-sort (list 20 40 30)) (list 20 30 40))
    (check-expect (insert-sort (list 30 20 40)) (list 20 30 40))
    (check-expect (insert-sort (list 30 40 20)) (list 20 30 40))
    (check-expect (insert-sort (list 40 30 20)) (list 20 30 40))
    (check-expect (insert-sort (list 40 20 30)) (list 20 30 40))
  9. (Note that some of the previously-pending problems have been deferred to hw03.)

If you're curious, notes and more comprehensive test cases are given here.

; reflect-v : (-> image image)
; Reflect an image vertically (that is, make a mirror image).
(define (reflect-v img)
  (let* {[w (image-width img)]
         [h (image-height img)]
         [new-pinhole-x (- (image-width img) (pinhole-x img) 1)]
  (color-list->image (reflect-list-2d-v (image->color-list img) w h)
                     w h
                     new-pinhole-x (pinhole-y img))))

; list-ref-2d : (-> (list-of any) int int int int)
;  index into a list, as if it were a w-by-h 2-D array.
(define (list-ref-2d lst w h i j)
  (list-ref lst (+ (* i w) j)))

; reflect-list-2d-v : (-> lst int int)
;  Given a list which *represents* a 2-d w-by-h array,
;  return that 2-d array with each row reflected vertically
;  (mirror-imaged).
(define (reflect-list-2d-v data w h)
  (build-list (* w h)
              (lambda (i)
                (let* {[row (quotient i w)]
                       [column (remainder i w)]
                  (list-ref-2d data w h row (- w column 1))))))

1 Optional problems are things which I expect you to be able to do, and will be needed for future work, but aren't scored for this homework. (I will provide feedback on them, though.)      

2You are not being asked to make one airplane object and then change its fields -- we're making three different airplane structs which are all similar to each other.      


©2008, Ian Barland, Radford University
Last modified 2008.Nov.02 (Sun)
Please mail any suggestions
(incl. typos, broken links)
to iba�rlandrad�
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