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ITEC 380


Chpt 1 exercises

Due Sept.12 (Fri).
  1. (9pts) Chapter 1, Review Questions1
    1. #6
    2. #9
    3. #10
    4. #11
    5. #14
    6. #15
  2. (3pts) Chapter 1, Problem Set 18. “Our criteria” might include: readability vs writability; various costs; orthogonality vs. feature mulitplicity.
  3. (2pts)

    Which languages might be involved in setting up an on-line order system, for a store?
    (Feel free to chat with people who have taken Software Engineering.)

  4. (6 pts) Chapter 1 gives six costs associated with a programming language. Which single cost do you think is most important for…
    1. code controlling the space shuttle launch
    2. code for a payroll program to be used by a Coca-Cola International.
    3. code for a scientific simulation of proteins in a cell, to help develop new drugs.
    4. code to compute what percentage of RU students have more than one picture on their RU home web page. (Suppose that a friend is writing a report for a Media Studies project, and wants to include this statistic.)
    5. Code for maintaining all aspects of a course gradebook (entering and editing information, adding new features on demand like “replace-lowest-hw-with-exam-percentage”, generating web-views for instructor and students, adding new features to the web-views as requested, etc.).
    (Just give the name of the category, e.g. “compiling programs”.)

    Which of the five example programs above is most “typical” do you think, of the sort of programs most programmers tend to work on?

Sneak peek: The next book-reading will be Chpt.15, Functional Programming and Scheme (although you can skip over §15.4 (Lisp) on a first reading).

1 Short correct answers get more credit than long correct answers; use a single word when possible.      


©2008, Ian Barland, Radford University
Last modified 2008.Sep.06 (Sat)
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