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ITEC 122



Due 2008.Nov.21 (Fri).
  1. (10pts) p.280 #3 (5ed p.253 #7)
    Using mathematical induction, show that ∀n∈N.P(n), where P(n)=“12+22+...+n2 = n(n+1)(2n+1)/6”.
    For all induction proofs: Include each step (a) through (f).
    1. What is P(1)?
    2. Show P(1) is true, completing the base case.
    3. What is the inductive hypothesis?
    4. What do you need to prove in the inductive step?
    5. Complete the inductive step.
    6. Explain why these steps show the formula holds for all postive integers n.
  2. (10pts) p.280 #20. (5ed p.253 #12)
    Using mathematical induction, show that ∀n∈N,n≥7.P(n), where P(n) = “3n < n!”.
    (Note that “n!” means n·(n-1)·(n-2)·...·2·1. So 4! = 4·3·2·1· = 24. It actually follows that 0!=1.)
    1. What is P(7)?
    2. Show P(7) is true, completing the base case.
    3. What is the inductive hypothesis?
    4. What do you need to prove in the inductive step?
    5. Complete the inductive step.
    6. Explain why these steps show the formula holds for all postive integers n ≥7.
  3. (8pts) p.308 #1 (5ed p.270 #1): Compute f(1)..f(4), when:
    1. f(0)=1; f(n+1)=f(n)+2.
    2. f(0)=1; f(n+1)=3f(n).
    3. f(0)=1; f(n+1)=2f(n).
    4. f(0)=1; f(n+1)=(f(n))²+f(n)+1.
  4. Read lightly over sections 4.2, 4.3; but paying close attention to:


©2008, Ian Barland, Radford University
Last modified 2008.Dec.15 (Mon)
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