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ITEC 122


sums, induction

Due: 2008.Nov.14 (Fri)
  1. (2pts) Express the numbers 0..15 as four-digit binary numerals (starting with "0000"), one per line.
  2. p.229 #2a,b (5ed: p179 #2a,b): int→string Show your work: either as a table with columns for the loop variables (algorithm from book or from lecture), or you can give a series of equalities1, e.g.:
    = itos(13) + "1" (where `+` means string-concatenation)
    = itos(6) + "11"
    = itos(3) + "011"
    = itos(1) + "1011"
    = itos(0) + "11011"
    = "" + "11011"
    = "11011"
    If you want to improve readability by grouping the bits into nibbles [four bits], that would be most welcome.
  3. (2pts) p.229 #4a (5ed: p179 #4a): string→int Show your work.
  4. (2pts) p.229 #6 variant (5ed: p179 #6 variant): what binary numeral represents the same number as the hexadecimal numeral "ACED"?
  5. (2pts) p.230 #10 (5ed: p179 #10): binary numerals → hex numerals.
  6. p.230 #24 (5ed: p180 #22): gcd Show your work; your answer should be a series of equalities. For example:
    = gcd(12,3)
    = gcd(3,0)
    = 3.
  7. (2pts) Without running it, figure out what the following nested-loop pseudocode prints out:
      for (int i=0; i<10; ++i) {
        for (int j=0; j<10; ++j) {
          print((i*j) mod 10);
        print("\n"); // end the line.
  8. (2pt extra credit) Repeat the previous problem, changing all the '10' to '16', and printing the numbers as hexadecimal digits.

1 Each equality includes the algorithm's numeralSoFar and num. Writing the answers as a series of equalities like this actually traces of the recursive formulation:

String itos(int n) {
  return (n==0) ? "" : itos(n/10) + dtos(n%10);
(Well, it nearly traces that; we are actually simplifying the string-concatenation in a different order than the computer would. Take ITEC380, for more on the relation between loops and recursion.)      


©2008, Ian Barland, Radford University
Last modified 2008.Dec.13 (Sat)
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