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ITEC 122


Set basics

Due 2008.Oct.03 10 (Fri)
  1. (3pts) Rosen p119, #4 (= Rosen 5ed p. 85 #4): which are subsets of which?
  2. (3pts) Rosen p120, #8 (= Rosen 5ed: p.85 #8): T/F involving ∈ and ⊆
  3. (2pts) Rosen: p120, #19 (= Rosen 5ed: p.85 #15):
  4. (1pt) Rosen: p120, #24: If A is the set of ITEC courses, and B is the set of ITEC professors, describe A×B.
  5. (3pts) Let A = {a,b,c}, B = {5}, and C = {x,y}. What is…
    1. A×C
    2. C×A
    3. C×C
    4. A×B×C
    5. B×B×C
  6. (5pts) Rosen p.120 #30:
    Prove that, for any two sets A,B:
         ((A≠B) ∧ (A ≠ φ) ∧ (B ≠ φ)) ⇒ A×B≠B×A.
    (Recall that φ stands for the empty set, {}.)
    Do you need to use all the premises?
    Hint: You'd like to say “Since A≠φ, ∃a∈A. Furthermore, since B≠φ and A≠B, ∃b∈B such that a≠b.” However, this isn't always quite true. How to fix it? How to proceed?
  7. (3pts) Rosen p120, #36: Describe each of the following sets more concisely:
    1. { x ∈ N | x³ ≥ 1}
    2. { y ∈ N | y² = 2}
    3. { y ∈ N | y < y² }
  8. (3pts) Rosen p.130, #4 (= Rosen 5ed p.94 #4): Practice with ∪, ∩, set-difference.
  9. (2pts) Rosen p.130, #26 (= Rosen 5ed p.94 #20): Drawing Venn diagrams


©2008, Ian Barland, Radford University
Last modified 2008.Oct.16 (Thu)
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