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ITEC 122


exam02 info

Instructions: You can have one single-side 8.5″x11″ piece of paper which has nothing but your handwriting/drawing on it. (No mechanical reproduction.)

Exam questions will, for the most part, be very similar to homework questions. While the focus will be on hw06 onward, there might be questions directly similar to hw04,hw05 and exam01. The most effective way to study would be to re-do hw problems from scratch (perhaps making minor tweaks), and make sure you understand every step. You are encouraged to post and discuss problems on Blackboard's discussion boards.

The only algorithms which you need to know are converting between numbers and numerals(strings) between bases 2,10,16, as well as converting directly between binary and hex numerals. Any other algorithms will be provided, if they are needed (e.g. gcd).

The only formulas you need to know are: Σi=1n(i) and Σi=1n(2i). Any other formulas will be provided.


©2008, Ian Barland, Radford University
Last modified 2008.Dec.15 (Mon)
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