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from `while` to `for`

Complete the following table, for each of the following three code snippets.
  int i = 8;
  int resultSoFar = 0;
  while (i > -4) {
    if (i % 2 == 0) {
      resultSoFar = resultSoFar + i;
    i = i - 3;
  return resultSoFar;
  int i = 8;
  int resultSoFar = 0;
  while (i > -4) {
    if (i % 2 == 0) {
      resultSoFar = i + resultSoFar;
    i = i - 3;
  return resultSoFar;
  int i = 8;
  String resultSoFar = "";
  while (i > -4) {
    if (i % 2 == 0) {
      resultSoFar = resultSoFar + Integer.toString(i);
    i = i - 3;
  return resultSoFar;
  int i = 8;
  String resultSoFar = "";
  while (i > -4) {
    if (i % 2 == 0) {
      resultSoFar = Integer.toString(i) + resultSoFar;
    i = i - 3;
  return resultSoFar;

When writing a while-loop, keep these things in mind:

We'll apply these steps to the following problem(s).

Exercise In bowling, pins are arranged in a triangle with four layers; there are a total of 10 pins. You might be inspired on the weekends to make up your own bowling formats, lining up empty bottles of Grape Nehi, and realizing that you aren't confined to only four rows; you might have 5 rows (requiring 5 more empties, for a total of 15), or 6 rows (requiring yet 6 more empties, for a total of 21).

Of course, such home-grown bowling is only interesting for so long, and then you start wondering, in general, how many pins are needed for bowling-variants with other numbers of rows?

      o         ( 1 pin  in a 1-high triangle)
     o o        ( 3 pins in a 2-high triangle)
    o o o       ( 6 pins in a 3-high triangle)
   o o o o      (10 pins in a 4-high triangle)
  o o o o o            etc.
 o o o o o o
That is, for a triangle with n rows, how many pins are needed? Write the method triangularNumber, which returns the nth triangular number

Before launching into the code, let's compute some examples/test-cases by hand, paying attention to our own thought process; that will give us a clue as to how to compute the general case.

  /** Return the nth triangular number.
   * @param  n The number of rows in a triangle.
   * @return The number of pins needed to set up a n rows of pins,
   *         each row containing one more pin than the previous.
   *         That is, return 1+2+3+...+(n-1)+n.

  /** Some automated test cases for functions in this file.
  void testLoops() {
    testEqualInts( triangularNumber(4), 10 );
    testEqualInts( triangularNumber(6), 10 );
    testEqualInts( triangularNumber(                ),                  );
    testEqualInts( triangularNumber(                ),                  );
When computing this myself, I find that I am keeping track of two pieces of information: the total number of pins needed so far, and which row-number I'm currently working on. (There is also the parameter n, given to me.)
teaching note: Be sure to run a couple of live tests of this, to set up triangularPyramid, which will call this method.


Exercise Consider stacking oranges. This isn't two-dimensional like bowling pins sitting on the floor; oranges get stacked in pyramids. Every pyramid begins with a single orange at its peak, but there are several ways to extend the pyramid.

We will re-write some of the above while-loops using a for-loop instead.
You can use either loop to do the same thing, but for-loops are particularly idiomatic when you have a number as your index variable.

More generally, you might wonder: “Why does Java provide a for-loop, when a while-loop already does everything I need?”. The reason is that the for-loop provides us with a nice trait: it puts all the index-variable manipulation on a single line, and leaves all details of updating the SoFar-variable (the accumulator) to the body of the loop. It is helpful to be able to think of those tasks separately, and helpful to have a language feature which lets us make our thought-patterns manifest.

In-class exercise, for for: Re-write countOccurrences(String,char) using a for-loop.

If we finish these examples, we will talk about:

The syntax of a while loop is what you'd expect from the above example:

When writing a while-loop, keep the same things in mind as when writing a for-each loop. However, we have a couple of new steps, because the for-each had managed our index variable for us; now we need to do that ourselves:

What does the following method return?

/** Announce a countdown, starting at 10.
 * @return A countdown starting at 10.  
 *   That is, "10...9...8... [etc] 2...1...Liftoff!"
public String countdown() {
  String chantSoFar = "";  /* A local variable, to accumulate the answer. */
  int t = 10;              /* The next number to count down. */

  while (t >= 0) {
    chantSoFar = chantSoFar + (t + "...");
    t = t-1;

  return (chantSoFar + "Liftoff!");
In order to walk through this, we need to keep track of what chant and t are, in the environment.

tutor/PIsObject120 + its docsjava.lang docsjava.util docs

©2010, Ian Barland, Radford University
Last modified 2010.Nov.01 (Mon)
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