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static method practice
creating lint; polishing Treasure

We won't be checking off this work now, but on future hws dealing with explorers, you will be marked down if your project has repeated code, compares strings using ==, etc.

1Btw, just having five new explorers each do the same thing doesn't really add to your confidence that the code is correct. Every line of your test should be checking a slightly different situtation      

2Alternately: you can hand-edit the unit-test file, adding assertions like assertEquals( true, myExplorer.getLeft().isLint() ). You can't generate that test via BlueJ's recording mechanism, because you can only call one method to get an answer, so you can't call getLeft() and then check whether that is lint.      

RecipeLawsliessyntaxjava.lang docsjava.util docs

©2007, Ian Barland, Radford University
Last modified 2007.Oct.19 (Fri)
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