2016 Photo Galleries

Fifteen Radford University undergraduate students are in the Amazon for the adventure of a lifetime. Under the guidance of two Radford University professors, students are exploring the Peruvian rainforest and conducting personally-designed research projects that will have an impact beyond the rainforest.

These Radford University students are participating in the Radford Amazonian Research Expedition (RARE), a research trip that provides undergraduate students with the unique opportunity to conduct original biological research in a primary Amazonian rainforest ecosystem.

A Visit to the Amazon Shelter


The RARE group visited the Amazon Shelter and donated approximately 1,150 soles to the organization. The Amazon Shelter takes care of animals, specifically monkeys, that are mistreated, traded or in poor zoo conditions.

Initial Days in the Amazon


The first few days in Peru were spent visiting the market and a local zoo, eating local Peruvian dishes and meeting parrots at the Royal Inn, the RARE group's hotel in Puerto Maldonado.