2 Groups Tackle Climate Action Plan Development

Two working groups—the Education, Research, and Outreach Technical (EROT) working group and the Mitigation Technical (MT) working group—have begun developing the Climate Action Plan (CAP) recommendations that will guide Radford University to becoming a more responsible steward of its resources for generations to come.

Mark Wagstaff, professor of recreation, parks and tourism, chairs the EROT working group, which will focus on specific mitigation strategies to reduce the university’s carbon footprint on “the larger issues related to sustainability through educational, research and outreach initiatives,” he said.

The MT group, chaired by Facilities Management Director Jorge Coartney, will “identify and make recommendations for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions for RU operations, including construction, energy, transportation, dining and recycling,” he said.

The MT working group includes John Albano, Jo Ann Alger, Steven Beach, Paul Ely, Roy Saville, Pam Simpkins and Julio Stephens. Serving on the EROT working group are Donald Appiarius, Elliot Blumberg, Don Bowman, Theresa Burriss, Elizabeth Dore, Michael Dunn, Steve Fawthrop, Andrew Scott Foy, Melissa Skelton, Jeffrey Orzolek, Richard Roth, George Santopietro, Sarah Smith, Sandra Steele, Julio Stephens, Debra Templeton, Rick Van Noy and Susan Van Patten.

Collection of the recommendations is targeted for completion by Jan. 13, 2012, followed by a draft CAP release for public comment. Wagstaff said the EROT working group wants to ensure that all departments, programs, colleges and interest groups are represented. He encouraged volunteers to contact him or Sustainability Coordinator Julio Stephens.

For more on RU’s CAP process and its other green initiatives, visit the RU sustainABILITY website.

Nov 3, 2011
Don Bowman