Secure Document Exchange

Radford University uses the SendSecure solution by XMedius to securely share documents where email had traditionally been used.  SendSecure uses SafeBoxes to securely share files with anyone and then have the SafeBox destroyed after contents are downloaded.  SendSecure is accessible at  Please bookmark that link to prevent future phishing attempts that look like SendSecure notifications.  SendSecure requires IT Security to provision you an account; you can request access by creating a ticket at IT OneStop.  SendSecure supports two types of SafeBoxes: Personal and Enterprise.

Creating Personal SafeBoxes

Personal SafeBoxes are used by you to securely share documents and messages with external entities and only yourself.  To create a personal SafeBox, navigate to your SendSecure portal and click +New.  You will be able to add the recipient’s email address (required) and phone number (optional).  The subject you choose is referenced in the email the recipient receives, giving them an indication of what this SafeBox pertains to.  You can also attach files to the SafeBox that the recipient will have access to.  Finally, you can select your Security Option to specify how long to keep the SafeBox before destroying it.


Recipients will receive a notification email similar to this:


When the recipient clicks the Access SafeBox link, they will be prompted to authenticate themselves:


The recipient will receive a phone call, text message or phone call with their 6-digit code; the code is only valid for 5 minutes.  At this point, the recipient can read the message you sent and download the document.


You will receive an email notification making you aware that your recipient downloaded the file you sent:


Once the SafeBox closes (either immediately or after one month, depending on the Security Option you chose), you will receive a summary email with audit information should you need it:


Enterprise SafeBoxes

Departments can have an Enterprise SafeBox where you share a public link and invite anyone to create a SafeBox with you.  In this scenario, you are not creating the SafeBoxes – the external entities are.  This is useful when you need to receive documents containing highly sensitive data securely, but do not know who will be sending them, or are available to coordinate at the time.

The external entities would click your department’s secure link.  IT Security uses the following link:

The external entity would create the SafeBox with your department via your department's unique public link:


The external entity will receive an email with instructions on authenticating to use the SafeBox; this step is necessary because any replies to the SafeBox from your department will be accessible by this external entity, so you want to confirm they own the email address that they created the SafeBox with:


The external entity will authenticate via email, text message or phone call and upload their highly sensitive document to the SafeBox:


Your department will receive the following email, notifying you that someone created a SafeBox with your department:


Since phishing is so common, we recommend bookmarking to access your department’s SafeBoxes to prevent someone from sending a fake notification email to try and gather your username and password.

The external entity will receive the following confirmation email:


That's all there is to it.  If you have any questions or would benefit from some one-on-one training, please email