Staff Search Committee Resources

You've been selected to act as part of a Search Committee. This is wonderful news! Our Search Committees play an important role in our recruitment process, assisting to bring the most qualified, diverse, and experienced talent to Radford University's campus. As a Search Committee member, you will act in a screening and advisory capacity in order to ensure the strongest talent is brought to campus.

To Begin

The search process will first begin with a Search Committee charge. This will be conducted by either the Search Chair of your committee, Human Resources, or both. This training is designed to outline the search process in-depth and answer any questions or concerns the Search Committee may have. 

The Search Chair will notify the committee if they will be tasked with doing the initial screening. Candidate screening matrices are created based on the minimum and preferred qualifications listed in the position posting. 

Once the initial screening has been completed, you and your Search Committee Members will be convened to conduct an intensive review of the applicants based on the screening matrix. This intensive review should be conducted with the intention of identifying semi-finalists.  

Virtual and Phone Interviews

Once semi-finalists have been identified, the Search Committee will need to decide if virtual or phone interviews will be utilized in the process. virtual/phone interviews are optional; it is recommended, however, in national searches where semi-finalists may be at some distance, that this option be utilized as a method of further screening applicants and narrowing the pool. You are not required to invite every candidate who is skype/phone interviewed to campus; this is part of the screening and narrowing process. If this option is utilized, the Search Committee will then need to develop skype/phone interview questions [DOC].

Each candidate must be asked the same set of questions, in the interest of fairness. 

Once the skype/phone interviews are completed, you and your Search Committee Members will discuss strengths and weaknesses of each candidate and complete the Candidate Evaluation Form [DOC]. Once this is complete, you will then decide, as a committee, who your 3 - 5 finalists are. 

We always strive to bring a minimum of three finalists to campus in order to have a robust applicant pool from which to hire. However, this is not always possible. If three candidates cannot be identified, do not worry. Bring your top candidates to campus and carry onward with your search.

Campus Interviews

Once finalists have been identified to be invited to campus, the Search Committee will convene to develop interview questions [DOC]. Once again, all candidates should be asked the same set of questions. 

Once each interview is complete, the Search Committee will complete another Candidate Evaluation Form [DOC]. After all interviews have been completed, the committee will convene to review all assessment materials for each candidate in order to make their recommendation of the top candidate.

Once this final evaluation form is complete, and you have made your recommendation, your role in the search process is complete. You've done a great job making time in your schedule to represent Radford University to candidates. You should feel proud of the time and work you put in to collaborating with your committee. 

If at any time, you have questions, concerns, or a unique situation arise as part of your recruitment process, please do not hesitate to contact the Department of Human Resources.