2021-2022 Committee Objectives

Radford University Faculty Senate
Committee Objectives
Academic Year 2021-2022


The following committee objectives provide a foundation for the Faculty Senate’s work in 2021-2022. Each committee should attempt to accomplish all objectives. These objectives are not intended to be all-inclusive—any committee member, other Senators, and the Faculty Senate Executive Council (FSEC) may refer other issues to the committee for consideration and action. Feel free to form subcommittees as needed to address specific objectives more expeditiously. Additional items will be referred to committees as new recommendations are made by members of our faculty.

All committees should record minutes of their meetings. Minutes and other committee documents (e.g., reports) should be forwarded to the Senate secretary (tchannell@radford.edu) for posting on the Senate webpage.


Campus Environment Committee Charges for 2021-2022

1.     Provide a report to the Faculty Senate regarding the results of the 2020-2021 Faculty Morale Survey by the November 11 Faculty Senate meeting. 

2.     Consider revisions, as necessary, to the Faculty Morale Survey in a timely manner so that the survey may be administered immediately after spring break.  

3.     Provide a report to Faculty Senate regarding the results of the 2021-2022 Faculty Morale Survey prior to the May 2022 Board of Visitors meeting.

4.     Act as liaisons between faculty and COVID -19 Planning Committee for the University.

5.     Investigate the process by which faculty and students can change their names in Radford digital content (e.g., campus directory, email, and class rosters). Report findings to Faculty Senate.

6.     Liaise with Campus Facilities regarding a system for consistent follow up on individual requests (similar to a process used by Information Technology).

7.     Liaise with the Student Government Association on matters pertaining to Academic Affairs.

8.     Liaise with the Radford University Carilion Advisory Group to explore issues exclusive to their campus post-merger (e.g., room scheduling, physical plant, classroom resources, etc.).


Curriculum Committee Charges for 2021-2022

1.     Meet with Dr. Nicole Hendrix, Executive Director of General Education, at the beginning of the fall semester regarding a transfer policy change and the Personal and Professional Development (PPD) requirement under REAL Curriculum. 

2.     During fall semester, liaise with the Student Evaluation of Faculty Committee and research additional options to the mid-semester grades as referred by Senate motion 20-21.164 and shepherd a motion through the approval process related to the options. 

3.     Discuss issues regarding program overlap and multiple credentialing, and consider drafting guidelines in response.

4.     Bring a motion to Faculty Senate in support of creating an ad hoc task force to explore issues related to interdisciplinary programs. Such issues include

        a.     Curriculum Pathways for such programs;
        b.     The support and housing of such programs.

5.     Report to Faculty Senate about the progress of the Bridge Program (https://www.radford.edu/content/admissions/home/bridge.html).

6.     Discuss issues regarding the processes for approving new programs, and consider drafting guidelines in response.

7.     Liaise with Governance to add REAL alignment to the Academic Affairs approval flowchart on page 4. 

8.     Add language in the Handbook (see Section 4.2.3, page 73) regarding the roles and responsibilities of faculty-led advisory boards of university-level courses that are not housed in a department. 

9.     Liaise with REAL Council, the Academic Program Review Committee, and the Registrar as those committees examine process of reviewing programs. Then, 

        a.     Shepherd a motion through the approval process related to REAL benchmarks and criteria for minors;

                                               i.     Shepherd a motion through the approval process related to benchmarks and criteria for reviewing program quality and including minors in assessing program viability.

10.   Review other curriculum proposals submitted to Faculty Senate as needed.

11.   Explore possibility of students participating in graduation with multiple departments.


Faculty Issues Committee Charges for 2021-2022

1.     Liaise with the Governance and Resource Allocation committees on recommendations related to Handbook language on fiscal exigency and Academic Program Review.

2.     Consider revisions made to the motion on Academic Governance Committee on Online Education (please have the Governance Committee examine language for consistency with Academic Governance document).

3.     Meet with Jeanne Mekolichek regarding Academic Partnerships and impact on faculty teaching load, evaluation, and future collaboration plans. Report findings to Faculty Senate.

4.     Collaborate with the Student Evaluations of Faculty Committee and report to the Faculty Senate on the process we are using in Academic Partnership programs regarding student evaluation of faculty and courses. Upon reflection, consider a motion to adapt the T&R Faculty Handbook language to address needed changes. 

5.     Review and consider challenges related to tenure and promotion for Radford University Carilion faculty post-merger. 

6.     Liaise with Governance – Consider adding charges to Chair and Directors’ duties in the Handbook related to diversity and inclusion.

7.     Liaise with Governance - Consider a motion for Faculty Senate to recommend including diversity and inclusion efforts on Faculty Annual Review evaluations and tenure and promotion criteria.

8.     Review Title IX processes to ensure there is both transparency and right of faculty to appeal.

9.     Review policy regarding Emeritus faculty. Design recommendations for how Emeritus faculty can better participate in our Radford University community. 


Governance Committee Charges for 2021-2022

1.     The Governance Committee wishes to pursue a motion revising the process of determining how many senators each college is allocated.

2.     SCHEV has approved the change to the School of Nursing. Collaborate with Waldron and the School of Nursing regarding the inclusion of School of Nursing representatives on Academic Governance Committees. Review and make recommendations regarding associated language changes in the T&R Handbook.

3.     Liaise with Faculty Issues and Resource Allocation Committee on recommendations related to Handbook language on fiscal exigency.

4.     Shepherd the draft APR motion through the approval process in Faculty Senate. Liaise with Faculty Issues and Resource Allocation Committee regarding the proposed revisions to Academic Program Review. Recommend needed changes to the associated Academic Affairs approval flowchart. 

5.     Draft a motion to eliminate the Core Curriculum Committee from the Academic Governance document.

6.     Liaise with the Council of Chairs to consider formalizing the committee in the Academic Governance process.

7.     Update and recommend changes to Faculty Senate bylaws.

8.     Update and recommend needed changes to Faculty Senate constitution by February 2022.

9.     Consider changes to the questions on the faculty evaluation of deans for the 2022-23 academic year.

10.   Liaise with Faculty Issues regarding adding charges to Chair and Directors’ duties in the Handbook related to diversity and inclusion 

11.   Liaise with Faculty Issues - Consider a motion for Faculty Senate to recommend including diversity and inclusion efforts on Faculty Annual Review evaluations and tenure and promotion criteria.

12.   Administer the deans’ evaluation in the spring.

13.   Clarify election process for FSEC in the Faculty Senate Bylaws.


Resource Allocation Committee Charges for 2021-2022

1.     Shepherd the motions related to 1.15 and 1.16 Handbook language around workforce reduction through the Faculty Senate recommendation process. Liaise with the Governance and Faculty Issues committees on recommendations related to Handbook language on fiscal exigency and Academic Program Review. 

2.     Liaise with Vice President Chad Reed to report on the benefits and unintended consequences associated with charging additional tuition beyond 16 hours (e.g., low enrollment of UNIV 100). Report to Faculty Senate.

3.     Liaise with Vice President Chad Reed and Assistant Vice President Amel Cuskovic in Human Resources regarding the faculty compensation policy. Report to Faculty Senate.

4.     Meet with Vice President Craig Cornell to review trends in enrollment at the undergraduate and graduate level. Report to Faculty Senate.

5.     Liaise with Vice President Chad Reed and the Faculty Issues committee regarding the consultant findings from faculty compensation inequities between RUC and RU Main as a result of the merger. Report to Faculty Senate.