Biology students awarded summer research grants


Multiple biology students were the recipients of 2021 summer research grants. Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships (SURF) provide up to $3000 in support of student and faculty collaborative research from May-August each year.

The Office of Undergraduate Research and Scholarship at RU manages the awards.

Laboratory and field projects both were supported by these grants. More information about the fellowships can be found HERE.

Awardees for Summer 2021 included:

  • Brian Currin, under the mentorship of Dr. Chet Bhatta, RUC
  • Sierra Felty and Christopher Wozniak (pictured with Allegheny woodrat, their study species), under the mentorship of Dr. Karen Powers, RU
  • Gabriel Hessler, under the mentorship of Dr. Jason Davis, RU
  • Haley Howerin, under the mentorship of Dr. Sarah Foltz, RU
  • Jordan Reddy, under the mentorship of Dr. Jason Davis, RU

A sincere congratulations to our students!

May 1, 2021
Karen Powers