Confidence Intervals Resources

102Calculate a Confidence Interval for a Mean When You Know Sigma.Taylor, Courtney.  ThoughtCo. 
103Calculating a Confidence Interval for a Mean.Taylor, Courtney.  ThoughtCo. 
104Confidence Interval for the Difference of Two Population Proportions.Taylor, Courtney.  ThoughtCo. 
105Confidence Intervals And Confidence Levels.Crossman, Ashley.  ThoughtCo. 
106Example of Confidence Interval for a Population Variance.Taylor, Courtney.  ThoughtCo. 
107Example of Two Sample T Test and Confidence Interval.Taylor, Courtney.  ThoughtCo. 
108Examples of Confidence Intervals for Means.Taylor, Courtney.  ThoughtCo. 
109Four Confidence Interval Mistakes.Taylor, Courtney.  ThoughtCo. 
110How to Construct a Confidence Interval for a Population Proportion.Taylor, Courtney.  ThoughtCo. 
111Margin of Error Formula for Population Mean.Taylor, Courtney.  ThoughtCo. 
112Plus Four Confidence Intervals.Taylor, Courtney.  ThoughtCo. 
113The Use of Confidence Intervals in Inferential Statistics.Taylor, Courtney.  ThoughtCo. 

Compiled by Dr. Wil Stanton, Professor of Marketing and Director of Analytics, Center for Innovation and Analytics