Available Resources

Our Mission Statement:

The lab’s mission is to enhance research at Radford University by

  • providing access to state-of-the-art software programs and technology that can be used for traditional and online data analysis and visualization;
  • training faculty, staff and students to develop the skills and expertise required in today’s highly demanding social and professional environments;
  • encouraging interdisciplinary research;
  • establishing a network through which research findings that address the issues and needs of the Commonwealth are disseminated to the University and its external constituents. 

Take a moment to review the list of research technology available in the lab.

All software descriptions are copied from the company websites.

Nodexl: https://www.smrfoundation.org/nodexl/ - A paid professional social network analysis (SNA) program that can be used to extract data from Twitter, You Tube, Wikipedia and Flickr networks into spreadsheets that can be analyzed for identifying clusters, influencers, communication activity, and sentiment.

Gephi: https://www.gephi.org/  - A free program that can be used to analyze social media data to identify underlying relationships between users and create network maps that can be manipulated according to various node and network metrics in real time.

Salesforce social studio:   https://www.salesforce.com/ap/products/marketing-cloud/channels/social-media-marketing/   - a social media marketing, management and listening program which allows users to to plan an implement social media campaigns, engage with their on-line followers, and analyze conversations from nearly any on-line source.

NVIVO: https://www.qsrinternational.com/nvivo-qualitative-data-analysis-software/home  - An intuitive qualitative data analysis program that allows users to import text, audio, video, e-mails, images, spreadsheets, on-line surveys, web content and social media from various sources for an in-depth analysis. It also provides a transcription component with 90% accuracy.

Tableau: https://www.tableau.com/trial/tableau  - A visual analytics platform and engine that can be used by researchers to understand data to solve real world problems. The program allows users to create interactive visual analytics and dashboards.

SPSS: https:www.ibm.com/products/spss - A comprehensive statistical analysis software platform designed for ease of use and quick actionable insights to solve business and research problems.

Visit this page to view more of the services, software and equipment we use: Services

To schedule an appointment in the SMART Lab use this  link:
