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static fields; review

Review for exam

Reminder: static methods

(You can check your answers.)
warning (again): The Java keyword “static” means “associated with the class, not a particular instance”. It does not mean “unchanging”.

static fields

The concept of “belonging to the class-blueprint, not any particular instance” can also applies to fields, as well as methods. Most of the time, static fields are used for named-constants, so we'll discuss that first, followed by an example of a static field which isn't constant.

Named constants revisited1

Named constants in other classes:

We can make our own named constants. As before, “static” is an adjective that we write in front of the variable-declaration.

  public static double MINIMUM_WAGE = 5.15;
  public static double PRICE_PER_SQ_IN = 3.14;
Other people then use these by writing the “classname-dot” (not “object-dot”): if (newSalary < PizzaServer.MINIMUM_WAGE) ....

To do: Consider the weight-limit for explorers.

  1. If we decided we wanted this amount to be a named constant, how would we declare and initialize it? In which class? How would we use it?
  2. Advantage: Like any named amount, using a field both makes it clear what that number in the code means (not a magic number!). And it lets us change that weight-limit in one place, rather than in many, should .
    As far as the design of our program, is the weight-limit better to have as a static field, or a regular field? Should this field be public, or private?

Non-constant static fields

Suppose that you want all treasures, occasionally, to become temporarily weightless. (Perhaps depending on the phase of the moon.)

class Treasure {
  private static boolean inWeightlessPhase = false;

  private static void toggleWeightlessPhase() {
    // ...?

  private _______  _______ getInWeightlessPhase {
     // ...?

  double getWeight() {
    // ...?

Another common use of static fields is to keep track of how many times (say) the constructor has been called. This can be useful for making objects which have an ID field

class Treasure {
  private static int createdSoFar = 0;

  double weight;
  int id;
  // ... other fields omitted

  // constructor
  public Treasure( /* ... */ ) {
    id = createdSoFar;
    createdSoFar = createdSoFar + 1;   // Not inside a loop!

Draw a picture of what is happening, when making several Treasures.

1 We aren't quite yet finished with how Java lets us best express named-constants; we'll see one more keyword before we're done. We started by using local-variables (because that's all we knew), improved that to fields (so that different methods could refer to the same constant), and now make it static (since named constants aren't part of a object's individual state).      

RecipeLawsliessyntaxjava.lang docsjava.util docs

©2007, Ian Barland, Radford University
Last modified 2007.Aug.27 (Mon)
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