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arrays intro

Today we'll experiment together in the Code Pad. We introduce arrays -- like lists, they are containers which can hold other objects; unlike lists, they are of a fixed size (they don't shrink or grow). Unfortunately, they also come with all their own new syntax for getting, setting, declaring, and constructing1.

String[] names;          // Declare a variable, of type array-of-String
names = new String[4];   // Initialize the variable.
names[0] = "North";      // Initialize the contents of the array;
names[1] = "South";      //   this is kinda like the LinkedList method
names[2] = "East";       //     add(String,int)    except that it *replaces*
names[3] = "West";       //   any String previously stored at that index
                         //   (whereas lists shift all existing elements over by one).

names[2]       // Calling the getter for the field [2] -- kinda like a list's "get" method.
names.length   // Like a list's "size()" method (but really we're accessing a field).

// A for-each loop works equally well with both lists *and* arrays.
String allNames = "";          
for ( String s : names ) {    // In Code Pad: Shift-Enter, to continue a line
  allNames = allNames + ", " + s;

String allNames2 = "";
for ( int i=0;  i < names.length;  ++i ) {
  allNames2 = allNames2 + ", " + names[i];    // Calling the getter for each field.
We can of course have arrays of other types:
double[] logTable;
logTable = new double[100];
logTable          // In Code Pad, double-click on the red object to inspect it.

                  // Call the setter for the field 17:
logTable[17] = 3; // Look in the inspection window, to see the change.

for (int i = 0;  i < logTable.length;  ++i ) {
  logTable[i] = Math.log10(i);      // Call setter for the field [i]

// See how the inspection window has changed.

import java.awt.Color;
int SHADES = 20;  // How many purples to generate.
Color[] purples = new Color[SHADES];
for (int i=0;  i < purples.length;  ++i ) {
  int shade = (int) (256*((double)i/(double)SHADES));   // 256*(i/SHADES)
  purples[i] = new Color(shade,0,shade);
The String method split breaks an entire line into words (where you decide what determines an end-of-word). Try:
String s = "This is a sentence with several words.  And, two spaces between sentences.";

s.split(" ")   // Words separated by a single space.
s.split(",")   // Words separated by a comma.
s.split(" +")  // Words separated by one-or-more spaces2


Why add all this new syntax, when Java could have just made arrays a class, and then had normal methods for getting and setting and constructing? Because Java wanted to look like some older languages, as a marketing ploy to get people to use it.

For what it's worth, Their marketing ploy worked (Java was adopted by many older programmers), at the expense of having different-syntax-for-similar-concepts.

On the plus side, the array notation is more concise than the full method calls, in a way which is effective at communicating info. It mirrors the subscript notation used by mathematicians for hundereds of years.


2 The character + is a special pattern-maker; it means one-or-more-of-the-preceding pattern. Other handy patterns:

  //   "[0-9]"     any one single digit.
  //   "[0-9]+"    one or more digits
  //   "[0-9]+.[0-9]+"   A double: one or more digits, followed by '.', followed by one or more digits.

// Words separated by one or more punctuation characters:  "[ ,.!?;]+".
"Hi, who is it?  You?!? Noooo!".split("[ ,.!?;]+")
Google “regular expressions” for more.      

RecipeLawsliessyntaxjava.lang docsjava.util docs

©2007, Ian Barland, Radford University
Last modified 2007.Aug.27 (Mon)
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