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Work through today's lab with a partner. (You are encouraged to be brave, and work with somebody you haven't worked with before.)

Starting with the changes made last week to paste it into BlueJ, as your starting point.

  1. Copy/paste (or, modify your previous version) with the version we saw in Lecture: fields salary and isManager, along with “getter” methods getSalary, getIsManager plus “setter” methods setSalary, setIsManager.
  2. Using BlueJ's pop-up menus: create two PizzaServer instances (creating them with the menu item new PizzaServer(), and then (when BlueJ prompts you) give the name of local variables to refer to these new servers.
  3. Right-click on the red objects, and choose Inspect.
  4. Call the getSalary on one of them to confirm they make minimum wage, and then set one of their salaries to something different. Confirm that the salary of that PizzaServer changes, while the other salary is unchanged.
  5. What is a java expression which corresponds to the sum of the salaries of the two PizzaServers you created above? Type it in, in the Code Pad.
  6. (All this so far, we've already seen in lecture (some recent, some old).)
  7. In addition to a salary, suppose that PizzaServers also have a bank account balance. Add this field to the class, and add methods getBalance and setBalance.
  8. Add a behavior void tip(double amt), which represents somebody a direct under-the-table tip which goes straight into the server's balance. Note that no value should be returned from this function1.
    First write a stub version which compiles (but does nothing). Then record a test case (where you call the function tip at least twice, interspersed with calls to getBalance to see if it's working. In order to assert what the expected answer should be, you'll need to be calling getBalance by right-clicking the object on the BlueJ bench.)
    After creating the test cases, write the method.

    Note that you should use this.getBalance() and this.setBalance(double), but not refer to the fields this.salary or this.balance directly. Principle: Only the getters and setters will refer to the field directly.

  9. Add a behavior void work(double hrs), which takes a number of hours worked and changes the PizzaServer's balance by the appropriate amount. Record a test method (which calls work at least twice, interspersed with calls to getBalance to confirm it worked.).
  10. At the start of Friday's lab, have the above functions ready to check off. When checking off your program, we will look for good indentation, meaningful variable names, javadoc, test cases (recommended to have a test function as discussed, though if you tested by hand as you went, that's okay too), and lack of repeated code.

  11. Do you have repeated code in the above two methods? Factor out the common code by adding a method addToBalance; then go back and modify tip and work so that they call addToBalance. You'll want to record some new tests for addToBalance by itself, but you won't have to re-record any tests for tip or work, since you already recorded test cases for that. (Of course, you should re-run those tests, to confirm the functions still work.)
  12. Write a method spend, which is given a number representing how much the server spends, and adjusts the balance accordingly. (Note that conceivably, our PizzaServers might spend so much they go into debt.) Extend your previous test function with some tests for this.
  13. Revise setSalary so that it's consistent with federal law: you can't set the salary to be lower than the minimum wage. If setSalary is called with a lower value, then the salary is set to the minimum.
    Observe that even if setSalary was called by other functions (say, “demote”), we now get compliance with federal law, by simply making a change in one place. If other places in the code had not used the setter, then we would have to make a bunch of changes to comply with law.
  14. Now we have an ugliness though: The constant 5.15 occurs twice in our program. And there might be other parts of code which need to refer to the minimum wage, for other reasons. And if the minimum wage changes, then we'll have to pore over2 our entire program, deciding which versions of 5.15 need to be updated, and which 5.15's aren't referring to a wage (perhaps, it's also coincidentally the price of tea in China).
    Solution: Make a named constant, but: rather than have a named constant local to a method, we'll make it a field! That way, the constant can be used in multiple places: both when initializing the salary, and when running setSalary.

1 If you really want, you can program PizzaServers to be polite and always return "Thank you!" when tipped.      

2Yep, “to read extremely closely” is “pore over”, not “pour over”.      

RecipeLawsliessyntaxjava.lang docsjava.util docs

©2007, Ian Barland, Radford University
Last modified 2007.Aug.27 (Mon)
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