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homelecturesrecipeexamshwsD2Lbreeze (snow day; distance)

the design recipe
final version

  ---- Per data type:
     1. Choose data definition
     2. Give some examples of the data
     3. Template:
        a. If handling a union type, include a cond w/ one branch per option.
        b. If handling a product-type, pull out each piece (field).
           (Do this for an overall product-type, or within cond-branches from (a).)
        c. Inventory: In all cases, think about what type (each piece) is,
           and think of some functions that process that type.
        d. Add the natural recursive call (as appropriate).

  ---- Per function:
     4. write test cases
     5. (a-d): contract/type, header, purpose, copy the template, and stub it.
     6. Inventory with values: Consider a particular test case,
        and think about what specific value of each sub-expression.
     7. complete the body-expression
     8. run tests

  1. Data def'n:
    A list-of-numbers is:
      - empty,
      - (cons [number] [list-of-numbers])
  2. Examples of the data
    (cons 4 empty)
    (cons 2 (cons 4 empty))
    (cons 93 (cons 2 (cons 4 empty)))
  3. Template for any function that handles a list-of-numbers:
    ; func-for-nums : list-of-numbers -> ???
    (define (func-for-nums a-lon)
      (cond [(empty? a-lon) ...]
            [(cons? a-lon) (...(first a-lon) ... (func-for-nums (rest a-lon)))]))
    Remember to think of the type of each of these items: When we're in the second branch (a-lon is a cons?), (first a-lon) is a number (we can use functions like +, >, etc.); (rest a-lon) is a list-of-numbers (we can use functions like ... well I guess func-for-list-of-numbers). At this point, we don't know the type that that (func-for-list-of-numbers (rest a-lon)) evaluates to, because we don't know what type the function will be returning.

  4. For a specific problem, e.g. contains?:
  5. Write the test cases
    (check-expect (contains? empty 4) false)
    (check-expect (contains? (cons 4 empty) 4) true)
    (check-expect (contains? (cons 4 empty) 99) false)
    (check-expect (contains? (cons 2 (cons 4 empty)) 99) false)
    (check-expect (contains? (cons 2 (cons 4 empty)) 2) true)
    (check-expect (contains? (cons 2 (cons 4 empty)) 4) true)
    (check-expect (contains? (cons 93 (cons 2 (cons 4 empty))) 93)
    (check-expect (contains? (cons 93 (cons 2 (cons 4 empty))) 4)
    (check-expect (contains? (cons 93 (cons 2 (cons 4 empty))) 77)
    (check-expect (contains? (cons 93 (cons 2 (cons 93 empty))) 93)
  6. header, purpose, contract/type, copy the template, and stub it.
    ; contains? : list-of-number, number -> boolean
    (define (contains? a-lon target)
      (cond [(empty? a-lon) ...]
            [(cons? a-lon) (...(first a-lon) ... (contains? (rest a-lon) target))]))
  7. Inventory with values: Consider a particular test case, and think about what specific value of each sub-expression.

  8. Only now do you complete the template.

    In this example: You are given 93 and true (and target=4), and this is where your thinking begins.
    What is the rule we want, so that we achieve our test cases:

    Note that our thinking does not involve lists at all! — the template has already done the list-processing, and the only code that varies from writing one function or another is how to assemble the results of calling the recursive function.

    (If you have code that is missing a recursive call, it means you skipped part of step 5 above.)

  9. Run your tests.

If getting stuck

First, make sure that you do each step, in order. Each step plays helps nudge you to get correct answers to later steps!

Example: When you're pulling out fields of a struct and asking what type they are, you are relying on the data-definition, which included exactly that info.
When you're looking at the result of the recursive call and how to use it, you use the return-type listed in your function-header
In general, every step is used in at least one following step.

Help with the inventory-with-values:
For example, if working with a list template, the “inventory with values” means writing down the following:

Let's do an inventory-with-values: 
pick a particular value for `a-lon`, and see what the two pieces from the template refer to, in that case.
So, reply back w/ filling out this table:

(a) My sample particular value to use for `a-lon`:  ________________________________________
(b) what is `(first a-lon)` in this case: __________
(c) what is `(map-sqr (rest a-lon))` in this case:   ________  (Note: I'm *not* asking for `(rest a-lon)`, but the result of giving `(rest a-lon)` to `map-sqr`.)
(d) What is the value that I would want the overall function to return, in this case? _________________________________

(e) How did I combine (b) and (c) to get (d)?
(f) How, in the *general* case, will I combine `(first a-lon)` with `(map-sqr (rest a-lon))` to get my desired answer?

More examples of following the design recipe are in lect09-structs1.rkt (unions and structs) in lect11-structs2.rkt (structs containing structs, structs containing unions, ...) and in lect14-list-intro.rkt (incl. recursively-defined lists).

1We know this by the test case. You can also think of this as using the technique of wishful-thinking: “I wish I could just call some other slightly-smaller-helper-function-I'll-finish-writing-later that would compute whether target is contained in the slightly-smaller (rest a-lon). We'll, I'll assume that function exists for now, knowing that once I complete this function it's correct, but I'll just need to complete that helper...Wait, in this recursive case, the helper that did the simpler task also happens to be the function I'm writing, so I'm done!”      

homelecturesrecipeexamshwsD2Lbreeze (snow day; distance)

©2015, Ian Barland, Radford University
Last modified 2015.Nov.17 (Tue)
Please mail any suggestions
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