Roaring presses: "power of the press" Threat/promise of publicity Romance...w/career tension; office roma. Off-beat or quirky newsroom "Characters" hypochondriac, misfit, anti-social, poker playing, alcoholic, profane, lazy (from His Girl Friday to The Paper) Newspaper barroom scenes Truth vs. sensationalism confrontations crusading investigations versus scandal stories to sell papers "Getting the shot" or "getting the quote" Press-police relationship scenes Editor-reporter conflict scenes Getting the job: interviews, hiring Losing the job: quitting &/or firing Getting interested in journalism in the first place... Example: Why would the most powerful being in the world want to be a reporter? Ask Clark Kent... On radio, Superman tells "the professor" and his son what he wants: "To know whom to help and when help is needed..." The professor says that "To see men at their highest and lowest..." he should become a reporter for a great metro daily. (Jimmy adds the observation that a reporter should not wear tights and a cape.)