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The menu on the right is based on the W3schools demo of navigation menus created using the UL and LI list tags. In the menu floated on the right, a background color shows the link area. The whole area is clickable, because link anchor "a" tags are set to display as "block."

This is the same menu-list without special styling.

Read this: Link words are important

Notice that both of those menus' link words are too vague.

What does "Home" mean? My personal home page? My RU home page? The course home page? The university's home page? For that matter, what does "News" mean?

Your "users" should be able to glance at a menu and know where the links will take them. On your midterm project, make it clear whether a link goes to your review or to a site you are reviewing?

Use specific link-words, not generic ones. "Review 1 | Review 2 | Review 3" is almost meaningless. "CNN | Fox | ABC" would look like a simple list of links to those sites, unless you add the word "Review" to each one, or put the menu under a heading that says something like, "Multimedia-usability reviews of TV news sites."

Moral: Don't make visitors click a link to find out where it goes. Make your menus out of clear, self-explanatory text or pictures. If you don't you're falling into a trap that one funny-but-serious website calls Mystery Meat Navigation, explained best in this video from back in 1999, when even designers for big corporate websites didn't know any better.

In addition to using meaningful link words, you can add a "title" property to the HTML for the anchor tag itself to create a "tooltip" pop-up note. For instance, the "About" link might look like this:

<a href="" title="Go to Bob's home page to learn all about the author of this page">About</a>

Hover over the "about" in the menu at the top of the page to see it in action.

You also can force links to open in a new window by adding a "target" attribute to the link code, like this: <a href="" target="_blank">Bob's personal home page</a>

More about CSS anchor styling at