Bob Stepno, ph.d.

I taught full-time at Radford University from fall 2007 to spring 2013, and before that at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (while earning my doctorate), at Emerson College in Boston, and at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville. My courses have ranged from the basics of journalism and Web production to topics in media studies, digital culture and popular culture.

I officially retired from Radford in May 2013 to spend more time writing, researching the "new media of the 1930s," and playing music.

See my blog for recent notes, including one about my retirement after being named one of America's "Top 50 Journalism Professors" (by a questionable source). Also see my home page biography if you're curious about my professional experience before I became a teacher.

I am still in Radford City and can be found lurking in the library, at area music events, and online. You can find me on Twitter as @bobstep. (I don't use Facebook much, but I do have an account there and check it now and then.)

email: rstepno  @

"The power and the freedom of the press is a flaming sword. That it may be a faithful servant to all the people, use it justly... hold it high... guard it well." -- the romantic creed of "fighting editor Steve Wilson of The Illustrated Press," back when journalists were stars and superheroes on radio and TV shows like Big Town.