The number of iterations (replicates) completed is printed at the screen. A blue progress bar extends from the left side showing the relative number of generations per iteration. This lets the user know that the program is still running. For small populations the highlighted bar will not extend very far.

It is possible, though it takes some doing, to set the program parameters such that population extinction occurs. For example, the user could create a population with only AA and aa individuals, then set the fitness of Aa to 0.0 and set the mating preferences of AA × AA and aa × aa to 0.0. The only allowable matings would be AA × aa, all of the offspring would have the Aa genotype, and Voila! Extinction. Why someone would do this intentionally is beyond me. However, if extinction occurs, it will be reported.

Once the program has completed the specified number of iterations, the user is returned to the file chooser menue. Here the user may choose to run another simulation by picking an new output file and entering a random seed.