Notes on Using Vim: The Basics

### Switching between Insert and Normal Modes 
    * use i to enter insert mode
    * use esc to exit insert mode and enter normal mode

### Status line

### Moving one character or line at a time
    * hjkl - left, down, up, right one space or line
    * Practice this until it becomes second nature

### Vim is case sensitive
    * Example: j and J are different commands
    * Later we will see how to make searching NOT case sensitive

### Moving by words
    * w - move forward one word
    * b - move backward one word
    * e - move to end of current word

### Count operator
    * count operator does operator count times: 3k moves up 3 lines

### Larger movements in a line
    * 0 - move to beginning of line
    * $ - move to end of line

### Larger movements in a file
    * gg - move to beginning of file (or :1 or 1G)
    * G - move to end of file

    * CTRL-f - move one screen forward 
    * CTRL-b - move one screen back

    * % - find next item and move to its match, (example (ne{braces}sted) end)

### Undo, Redo, repeat
    * u - undo
    * CTRL-r - redo

    * . - repeat most recent change

### Other ways to start insert mode and INSERT characters
    * o - open new line BELOW
    * O - open new line ABOVE

    * i - insert BEFORE cursor location
    * s - insert AT     cursor location (replacing current character)

    * a - insert AFTER  cursor location
    * A - insert at end of current line

    * I - insert at beginning of current line
        - But after initial tab characters

### Change a word, line, or remainder of a line in insert mode
    * cw - change word: delete current word and enter insert mode
    * cc - change line: delete current line and enter insert mode   
    * C  - change line: delete to end of line and enter insert mode

### Modify a single character
    * r - replace character at cursor
    * ~ - Change case of current character

    * Characters that are type replace existing characters in the line

    * R - enter REPLACE mode

    * Backspace restores characters

    * Newline inserts a new line, and does not replace next line

### Deleting character, word, line (into a buffer)
    * x - delete character at cursor
    * dw - delete word to right of cursor
    * dd - delete entire line

### Useful with counts - Examples:
    * 3x - delete 3 characters
    * 3dw - delete 3 words
    * 3cw - change 3 words
    * 5s - substitute 5 characters

### Put character, word, line (from buffer)

    * p - puts (ie inserts) buffer after  cursor
    * P - (ie inserts) buffer before cursor

    * inserted characters are inserted into same line
    * inserted lines are inserted above or below

### Shortcut: swap two characters or lines
    * xp - swap two characters
    * ddp - swap two lines

### Yank - Copy character, word, line into a buffer
    * Y - Copy current line into buffer
    * yy - Same

    * yw - Copy to end of current word into buffer

### Joining Lines
    * J - Joins two lines

### Searches: Locate a string in the file
    * /string - search for string 
        - end with enter
        - normally wraps [option wrapscan]
        - normally case sensitive 
            - options ignorecase and smartcase

    * ?string - search backwards for a string

    * n - repeat previous search
    * N - repeat previous search in reverse direction

### Find: Locate a character in the line
    * f - move cursor to next occurrence of a character
    * F - move cursor to previous occurrence of a character
    * By default, ; repeats but previous f or F, however, I map ; to :
    * t - moves cursor to before next occurrence in line
    * T - moves cursor to before previous occurrence in line

### Movement - recognize the pattern: operator-movement
    * dw, cw, yw all operate on a word

    * dh, ch, yh all operate on a character to the left
    * dl, cl, yl all operate on a character to the right

    * dj, cj, yj all operate on the line below
    * dk, ck, yk all operate on the line above

    * d$, c$, y$ - operate to end of line
    * d%, c%, y% - find next (matching item) and operate to matching paren

    * dfc, dtc - delete, etc, with find or to command
    * d/c - delete, etc, with search command

### A new mode: COMMAND MODE
    * Review:
        * Insert mode: typed characters are inserted into file
        * Replace mode: typed characters replace characters in file
        * Normal mode: typed characters cause editing (eg delete)

    * Command mode: 
        * User for commands that interact with the vim enviroment
        * Commands are entered on a command line
        * Bring up command line with :
        * Exit with Enter or CTRL-c

### File commands:
    :w - write - save the current file
    :w filename - save the current file under the name filename

    :q - quit  vim (only works if no unsaved changes)
    :q! - quit vim and abandon any unsaved changes

    :wq - save vim and quite

### Bang commands:
    * Bang is geekspeak for !
    * Many vim commands have bang versions 
    * Bang versions are more dangerous than non-bang versions
    * Example:
        :w fn - will not execute if file fn already exists
        :w! fn - will overwrite file fn if it already exists

### More command line commands
    :colorscheme - set colorscheme - example :colorscheme borland
    :make        - compile current file
    :history     - display history of commands
    :highlight   - display highlighting settings
    :number      - display number of current line
    :ascii       - display ascii of current character (also ga)
    :version     - display info on current version of vim


    :! - execute a shell command - example :!ls
    :shell - start a new shell - exit new shell with exit

### Command line command abbreviations
    :colo delek
    :mak :retab :his :hig
    :nu  :as    :vers
    :sor :ha    :!  :sh

### Command line command completion
    * Use TAB for command completion

### Some options are modified using :set 
    :set ruler         - display ruler in status line 
    :set noruler       - do not display ruler in status line 

    :set ignorecase    - search is not case sensitive
    :set smartcase     - case sensitive search only when upper case used
    :set autoindent    - automatically indent new line as previous
    :set number        - turn on line numbers 
    :set expandtab     - replace tabs with spaces 
    :set smarttab      - backspaces over expanded tabs 

### Some options have values
    :set tabstop=4     - amount of indent when TAB is pressed
    :set shiftwidth=4  - amount of indent on program indentation

### Querying set options and values
    :set tabstop
    :set - view all options with non default values
    :set all - view all options
    :options - See below

### Mapping - map a key sequence to a string of characters:
    * My favorite mapping:  :map ; :
    * Maps a ; to a :
    * Makes it easier to enter command mode
        * Don't need shift

    * Tradeoff: Can't use ; to repeat a find command
        * :noremap : ; causes serious problems - not recommended

### Help command
    :help commandYouWantHelpFor

    :help - by itself gives help on help
    :h - abbreviation for help

    * Splits the current window

    * Use :q to exit help window

    * Can do more :h commands while help window is open
    * Can use TAB to get command completion

    * Use CTRL-] to follow a help link
    * Use CTRL-o to go back from a help link

### Option window - an easy way to set vim options

    * Splits window
    * Shows all vim options, organized by topic
    * Allows setting vim options
    * Example: Number option:  (find it with /^number) 
    * Current is listed first, other values follow
    * Exit with :q

### vimrc - configuration startup file
    * Commands in .vimrc are executed every time vim executes

    * Where is it? 
        :echo $MYVIMRC

### Substitute command: 
    * Operates on current line

    :s/OldString/NewString/g - changes all occurrences in line

    :%s/OldString/NewString/ - operates on whole file

    * Can operate on specified range (see later)

### Visual mode - Mark lines, character, blocks:
    * v Marks a sequence of characters

    * V Marks a sequence of lines 
    * CTRL-v Marks a block of characters

    * Exit visual mode with ESC or v once or twice

### Operating on text selected with visual mode
    d delete (or x, D, X, with minor differences)
    c change (or r, s, C, S, R)
    y yank (or Y)
    < > shift
    p put
    J join
    U make Uppercase
    u make lowercase
    ~ change case
    I Block Insert
    A Block Append

    o - go to Other end
    O - go to Other end (stays in same line in block mode)

    gv - reselect up most recent selection

### Configuring Vim for working with Java files:
    * Put these options into the .vimrc (presumably)
    * Basic options:
        :filetype indent on  " Turn on automatic indenting for specific file types
        :filetype plugin on  " Turn on loading plugins for specific file types
        :syntax enable       " Turn on syntax highlighting

    * My personal preferences on tabs:
        :set tabstop=4       " number of spaces that a TAB stands for
        :set expandtab       " insert spaces instead of tabs when tab key pressed
        :set shiftwidth=4    " number of spaces for each autoindent

    * Next time we will make java (and ada, etc) specific commands

### Editing Java files 
    < - shift range left
    > - shift range right
    =    - indent range

    << - shift current line left
    >> - shift current line right
    == - indent current line

    :make - compile

### Ranges
    * Specify with visual - V
    * Specify with line numbers
    * Example
        :1,$=  will indent entire file

### Command WINDOW
    * Open with q:
        * :map q; q: saves a keystroke

    * Exit by CTRL-c CTRL-c (yes, that's twice)
    * Exit by pressing enter on line with only :

    * Contains a history of commands
    * Can move around in window

    * Commands can be edited
    * Execute command by pressing enter on command 

### Splitting windows
    :split filename
    * move between windows with CTRL-w-CTRL-j and CTRL-w-CTRL-k
    * quit or save window as needed

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