ITEC 380: Exam 1 topics - Fall 2010

  1. Announcement: Chapter 4 will NOT be on this exam

  2. Topics
    1. Through week 6
    2. Chapters 16, 1, 2, 3 (Semantics not included)
    3. Lecture and notes, supplemented by text
    4. Homework

  3. Chapter 1: Introductory Material
    1. Evaluation criteria and language characteristics: describe how characteristics influcence criteria and give some examples using common languages

    2. von Neumann architecture: describe it and its influence on programming languages

    3. Evolution of imperative languages: list and describe the basic mechanisms for control and data abstraction

    4. Language paradigms: list, describe fundamental characteristics, give example languages

    5. Programming domains: describe programming language features that support various common programming domains

    6. Compilation and interpretation: describe and distinguish between, give examples of languages that use each, compare hardware and software interpretation

    7. Syntax vs Semantics: describe each and distinguish between

    8. Compiler phases (and symbol table): diagram phases showing relationships among them and inputs and outputs of each

  4. Chapter 2: Evolution of Major Languages
    1. Church's thesis:

    2. Periods: Dominant themes and major languages and their characteristics
    3. Important languages - when developed, major characteristics, why important

  5. Chapter 3: Grammars (Semantics not included)

  6. Chapter 16: PROLOG
    1. As covered in class
    2. Process of execution/pattern matching
    3. Facts, rules, predecates, queries
    4. Recognize, interpret and describe basic language concepts:
      • Variables (use good names)
      • If then
      • And, or
      • Arithmetic
    5. Lists
      1. Common functions (eg member, append, length): interpret and write
      2. Special notation [ H | T ]: interpret and use
      3. Instantiating lists: interpret and write predicates and queries involving list
    6. Write recursive predicates with a base case
    7. Determine values taken by variables when matching queries with facts and rules
    8. Write predicates to accomplish a task, including list processing
  7. Update (10/18) on exam content (approximate):

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