Grading sequence for program 4

CPSC 380 - Fall 2007

Grading for program 4 will be done in approximately this sequence. Once your program fails a test, I may not test it any further.

  1. newLine

  2. get statement

  3. print a string

  4. print a single variable or single numeric literal

  5. assignment: right hand side a single variable or numeric literal

  6. assignment: right hand side a more complex expression
    1. single operators: +-*/ with operands that are variables or numeric literals
    2. multiple + (ie expressions with several + operators)
    3. multiple *
    4. precedence
    5. associativity
    6. parentheses

  7. print an arbitrary expression (eg print 2+3)

  8. if then with simple condition (eg if 2 < 3 then ...)

  9. 6 relops (ie <, <=, >, >=, =, /=)

  10. if with complex condition (eg if 2 * ( 3 + 4 ) < ( 5 + 6 ) * 7 then ...)

  11. if then else

  12. while

  13. arbitrarily nested statements (eg an if nested in a while nested in an if

  14. torture test (note: this is a buzz phrase that means a test case that tests as much as possible and that is as hard as possible to pass)