ENGL 680: Links to Resources for LGBT Studies


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General Resources

Queer Resources Directory

Human Rights Campaign

Bisexual Resource Center

Sexual Orientation:  Science, Education and Policy A comprehensive web site maintained by Dr. Gregory Herek, Professor of Psychology  at UC Davis.  Excellent source for scientific research into sexual orientation, sociological research into hate crimes, and refutation of the unethical research practices of Dr. Paul Cameron, whose work perpetuates some of the most damaging stereotypes about LGBT orientation.

Partners Task Force for Gay and Lesbian Couples:   Comprehensive web site offering information on same-sex couples and their families

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer Glossary of Terms

People with a History:  An Online Guide to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Trans History


GLBT Literature and Culture

An Encycolpedia of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Culture:  An excellent, comprehensive source for LGBTQ information in literature, the arts and sciences.  Includes biographies of many important lgbt writers and artists throughout history.

Isle of Lesbos: Lesbian Poetry


John Addington Symonds Pages


Religion and Sexual Orientation

Whosever:  What the Bible Really Says about Homosexuality


The Bible Should Not Be Used to Condemn Homosexuality


Whosoever: A Defense Theory


Explicit and Implicit References to Homosexuality in the Bible


Overview of Reparative Therapies since the 1950s


Exodus International: Religious ministry dedicated to changing sexual orientation (reparative therapy)


Scientific Research on Attempts to Change Sexual Orientation Dr. Gregory Herek’s overview of what the American Psychological Association and the American Sociological Association have determined about attempts to change sexual orientation


Transforming Congregations:  An ex-gay ministry


Why Reparative Therapies and Ex-Gay Ministries Fail:  Document prepared by the Human Rights Campaign


Discrimination, Hate Crimes, Hate Speech

Anit-Gay Hate Speech and Religious Discourses

Westboro Baptist Church Anti-Gay Web Site (God Hates Fags.COM)


 Matthew Shepard Online Resources—Anti-Hate Speech Homepage


National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality Home Page:  Anti-gay web site calling for therapy to change sexual orientation


Christianity and Homosexuality Home Page:  Anti-Gay web sites calling for reparative therapy to change sexual orientation


American Family Association, Inc. (has section devoted to homosexuality):  Anti-gay web site


GLBT Newspapers

The Advocate



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