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Reading is to be completed by the beginning of the week. (Though it's okay to have read the first half of the assigned reading by Monday, and the second half by Wednesday.)

This syllabus is tentative; updates will be mentioned in class. Be sure to check back regularly. Assignments are not finalized until 1.5 weeks before the due-date.

of …
reading duesoln
Sep.01 §1.1, 1.2 Fri: hw01—Propositional Logic, Boolean Algebra hw01-soln.html
Sep.08 §1.3 Fri: hw02—Quantifiers hw02-soln.html
Sep.15 §1.4, 1.5 Fri: hw03—First Order Logic hw03-soln.html
Sep.22 §1.6, 1.7 Fri: hw04—Proof Strategies hw04-soln.html
Sep.29 §2.1,2.2, start 2.3 --
Oct.06 §2.3 Fri: hw05—Set basics hw05-soln.html
Oct.13 Wed: hw06—function basics hw06-soln.html
Oct.20 § 2.4 Mon: exam
Oct.27 §3.1-§3.3 Wed: hw07—sums hw07-soln.html
Nov.03 §5.1-5.3 (5ed: §4.1-4.3) Wed: hw08—running times; big-Oh hw08-soln.html
Nov.10 §5.1-5.3 (5ed: §4.1-4.3) Fri: hw09—sums, induction hw09-soln.html
Nov.17 §5.4,5.5, and Cardinality pp.158-160
(5ed: §4.4; look up “Cardinality”)
Fri: hw10—induction hw10-soln.html
Nov.24 gobble gobble
Dec.01 §12.1-12.3 Fri: hw11—counting; cardinality hw11-soln.html
Dec.08 §9.1-9.4,9.6 Fri: hw12—FSMs; matching hw12-soln.html

Final exam sheduled for Dec.18 (Thu) 10:15–12:15.

Homeworks are graded on clarity of presentation, 1 which includes use of standard notations. Short correct answers much better than long correct answers (which are, in turn, much better than long correct answers that contain both necessary and superfluous statements).
Example of some answers, from best to worst:

  1. “No: 2Q and ½Q, but 21/2 Q (from the book, §1.6 example 10).”
  2. “No 2 and ½ are both rational, but 21/2 is irrational.
    Proof by contradiction: Suppose that 21/2 were rational: that is, there are integers p,q such that 21/2=p/q. This means 2q2=p2. If we consider a prime-factorization of each side, we see that 2 must occur an even number of times on the right-hand side, but an odd number of times on the left-hand side. This is a contradiction2, so our assumption that 21/2 is rational must have been wrong, so 21/2 is irrational, QED.”
  3. “No; 472/3 is irrational.
    Proof: suppose by contradiction that 472/3 is rational: that is, there are integers p,q such that 472/3=p/q. This means 472q3=p3. If we consider a prime-factorization of each side, we see on the right-hand-side 47 occurs a multiple of three times, while on the left it occurs 3k+2 (for some k) times. This is a contradiction, so 472/3 must be irrational, QED.”
  4. “No. 472/3 is irrational: Let x=472/3=p/q. But then 472q3=p3. But 47 is prime, and therefore appears 3k+2 times in the prime-factorization of the left hand side, which can't be a multiple of 3. QED.”
  5. “No. 472/3 = 13.0236256766892..., which is irrational.”
  6. “A set is closed under exponentiation if one number in the set raised to another number in the set must also be in the set. This concepts only makes sense for sets of numbers.”
While none of these answers are untruthful, only (i) and (ii) get full credit. Note that re-writing and editing your solutions is often necessary. (I went through three revisions of (ii) myself, writing this up.)

Some extra credit will be offered for participating in Project Euler problems, based on the difficulty of the problems and the quality (and clarity) of your solution. You can submit at most two problems per week for extra-credit this way.

1We don't actually care much about whether you know whether the rationals are closed under exponentiation. But we do need you to be able to take the definitions and work with them in a proof to reach the desired conclusion, in a straightforward way.      

2A math major might mention that specifically, it contradicts the theorem that integers have a unique prime factorization.      


©2008, Ian Barland, Radford University
Last modified 2008.Dec.15 (Mon)
Please mail any suggestions
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