ITEC 120
Testing Random with Counters


After successfully completing this lab you will be able to use a switch statement to count the number of times a random number is generated and use the count to print a histogram to visually inspect the distribution of random numbers.

Testing Random

You tested the random number generator in the Random class earlier this semester (Testing Random). That program required two lines of code to generate and print each number. That program clearly did not scale (the program would need 10,000 lines of code to gener­ate and print 5000 numbers). Furthermore, that program required you to inspect the numbers to verify that the numbers were random. This lab will print a histogram enabling you to visualize the distribution of numbers.

You will develop a program to count the number of times each number in the range is generated. Your program will generate 100 numbers in the range [0, 9] and you will print a histogram similar to the histogram shown below.

     0  ********
     1  *********** 
     2  ******
     3  ****************
     4  **************
     5  *****
     6  ************
     7  ***********
     8  ********
     9  ********* 

To print the histogram shown above, your program must record the number of times each number is generated. That is, the program will record the number of times 0 is generated, the number of times 1 is generated, the number of times 2 is generated, and so on. In the histogram above, the number 2 was generated 6 times, so there are 6 asterisks after the number 2.


Create a class named and import the Random class.

     import java.util.Random;

Develop a method named gener­ateNumbers that takes one parameter named total, an integer representing how many numbers the method will generate. Follow the instruc­tions below to develop this method incre­mentally.

  1. Create a constant named UPPER_BOUND with value 10.
  1. Create an instance (object) of the Random class - randObj.
  1. Write a loop to generate and print total random numbers in the range [0, UPPER_BOUND).
  1. Test your method by creating a class named RandomDrv that uses your method to generate and print 10 numbers.
  1. In the gener­ateNumbers method, create ten local variables of type integer named count0 – count9. These variables will record the number of times each number is generated (e.g., the variable count0 will count the number of times 0 is generated).
  1. Inside your loop, use a switch statement to increment the counts. The switch statement will have one case for each counter (0 – 9).

Print a Histogram

In the RandomSrv class, create a method named print that takes two integer parameters: num and count. The parameter num represents a number in the range and count represents the number of times num was generated.

Referring to the histogram shown above, the number 0 was generated 8 times. The input and output for the print method is shown below.

            print(0, 8) will print "0 ********"

Use the RandomDrv driver to test the print method. Implement three test cases: (0, 0), (1, 1), and (2, x) where x is any number greater than 1. (These are not pass/fail test cases. You will visually inspect the output of these tests.)

Extend the gener­ateNumbers method to call the print method ten times, once with each counter, to print the histogram.

Modify the RandomDrv driver to generate and print 100 numbers. Execute the test driver a few times to convince yourself that the distribution of numbers is random.

Submit Your Assignment

Submit and to the Lab Submission Folder on D2L.