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ITEC 120

ITEC120 Course Info

ITEC120 Course Information

ITEC120 is an introduction to programming principles. It approaches programming as problem-solving, emphasizing:

Although the course currently teaches these concepts using Java, the content transcends particular langauges and environments. The pre-requisite is algebra1 and pre-calc (i.e. having completed Math 168 or equivalent — alternatively, eligible to sign up for Math 169 or 171) or permission of instructor. Most students find the course demanding, but also rewarding.

As per the official syllabus, students who successfully complete ITEC120 will be able to:

Detailed course topics include:

1 In particular, the only concept needed from algebra is that that of a function: something which takes an input and returns a value. Learning to program reinforces the distinction between calling a function and defining a function. While this is easy to say, it takes a while before this concept is ingrained.      

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