Mau Rules Summary You cannot explain the rules. [uh, optional, i guess. :-] Special cards: ACE Reverse direction. SEVEN Draw two, cumulative. EIGHT Skip next player. JACK Wild, sets suit, playable on anything but a JACK or live SEVEN. JOKER Wild, either neighbor plays, playable on anything but live SEVEN. Things to call: SPADE When playing a spade. LAST CARD When playing second-to-last card. MAU When playing last card, unless it's a JACK or JOKER. MAU MAU When playing last card, if it's a JACK. OOM PAPA MAU MAU When playing last card, if it's a JOKER. SPAM When playing identical card out of turn. Other penalties: 1) Misdealing. 2) Looking at cards before the dealer. 3) Playing out of order. 4) Playing incorrectly. 5) Taking too long. 6) Flinching. 7) Asking a question, except during a Point of Order. 8) Cursing, swearing, or invoking the name of a major deity, except during a Point of Order. Cthulhu is considered a major deity. 9) Looking at cards during a Point of Order. 10) Calling a Point of Order solely to curse or swear. 11) Being too loud. (Optional rule). 12) Calling an incorrect penalty. Spam: If you can match the previously played card in both number AND suit (as can happen when more than one deck is in use), then you may play that card out of turn, by calling "SPAM!" Play then continues from you, skipping any intervening players. Special effects accumulate. Note that: 1) you may not spam a jack; 2) spammed eights skip two instead of one (if you have multiple decks, you can get even larger skips); 3) two aces in succession effectively cancel each other; 4) spamming sevens is nasty.