Wire -- A-list lcliffor@bbn.com (laura) says: This Ascension CD 'Walk Softly, Dreams Lie Here' ... an American Siouxsee Sioux singing with the Chameleons through ear-rational: b-52's best $20 coil horse $17.50 das ich 13 satanische verse ep; 10 stigma cd5 freur 11.5 Reegs - Return of the Sea Monkeys Imaginary $16.50 Guided by Voices - Bee Thousand Scat $12.50 Guided by Voices - Clown Prince of the Menthol Trailer import $8.75 Guided by Voices - Fast Japanese Spin Cycle CDS Engine $5.75 Guided by Voices - Grand Hour CDS Scat $6.25 # Guided by Voices - Vampire on Titus Scat $12.50 Helmet - Strap it On Amph Reptile $11.75 Nine Inch Nails - Head Like a Hole CDS TVT $6.00 Nurse w/ wound -- all $19 Trio - S/T Mercury $17.75 Wall of Voodoo - The Index Masters Restless $12.00