--The Mermaid's .sig file has been brought to you today by the letters Q, R, and O, . -- . and by the number 13. ( ) ( (/oo\) ) WW ( \''/ ) wwwwww /__\ ( \/ ) w"ww ww"w | oo | _WWWWW_ ( ) W o""o W (o)(o) (|_()_|) / o o \ oo ( ) W ______ W w" "w \__/ (| __O__ |) w"()"w ( )"w \_\/_/ w" W -====- W /|\/|\ \ \___/ / W -==- W ( )ww""wwwwww""ww "w w" |||||||| /-------\ "wwww" ' -- ' |||||||||||| w""""""""""w |||||||||=========| w" "w || || ||||||||||||W W|||||||||=========| "...so what if I'm a mermaid in these jeans of his with her name still on it Yeah, but I don't care..." -- This message brought to you by the letters H and Q, and the number 5. WW /__\ | oo | _WWWWW_ (|_()_|) / o o \ (+)(+) \__/ (| __O__ |)/ \ /|\/|\ \ \___/ / \ -==- / |||||||| /-------\ \ /