Social Psychology (PSY 343)
Section 02 (Wednesday, 6:30-9:30)
Fall, 2002

Professor: Hilary Lips, Ph.D.
    Office: 410 Russell Hall
    Phone: 831-5792

Office Hours: Tuesdays & Thursdays 2:00 - 3:15
                     Wednesdays: 2:30-5:00
                      and by appointment

Textbook: Social Psychology (Third edition) by Stephen Franzoi (McGraw-Hill, 2002). This text comes with a CD-ROM which contains practice quizzes and other study aids. I recommend that you use it to get the most out of this book.
      There are also two companion web sites for the Franzoi textbook. The first is available at This site can be used as an interactive study guide for the textbook. For each chapter it provides a list of learning objectives, a chapter overview, practice quizzes using multiple choice, fill in the blanks and true-false questions, flashcards and internet exercises.
      The second site is McGraw-Hill's Powerweb, for which you should register, using the information provided with the textbook. This site contains web resources, suggested readings, practice quizzes, current social psychology news, and other resources to help you get the most out of the course. You can access this site at: This site will give you online access to extra course readings that will be assigned occasionally.
Course Requirements and Grading:
General Expectations: You are expected to attend class, to come prepared, and to participate in the class activities and projects. Complete assigned activities before class. Read each assigned chapter or reading before the class in which it is scheduled to be discussed. You are responsible for all material in the assigned readings, whether or not it is discussed in class. You are also responsible for all material presented in lectures, whether or not it is in the readings. If you miss classes, you will be missing not only lectures, but group meetings, in- class exercises, announcements, etc. that cannot easily be "made up."
TESTS: (Dates are listed in the schedule at the end of this syllabus)
Test # 1 - - 20 points
Test # 2 - - 20 points
Test # 3 - - 20 points
Altogether, scores on the 3 tests make up 60 of the 150 points for the course. In other words, more than one-third of your grade in this course (40%) is determined by your combined test scores. In general, if you miss a test, your score on that test will be 0. If you must miss one of the tests because of illness or emergency, you must provide documentation of the emergency and consult with me in advance about the possibility of a make-up test. Except under very exceptional circumstances, make-up tests will not be allowed for this course; rather, the weight assigned to the final exam score will be increased to reflect the weight of the missing test.
The final exam will take place on the date specified in the university's fall schedule: Wednesday December 11th at 8 p.m.. It will cover material from all sections of the course and will be worth 35 points. If you have a grade of A or an very high B (51 out of a total possible of 60, or 85%) on your cumulated test scores for the course, you are not required to write the final exam and may choose instead to have your test scores weighted more heavily.
1) Assignments and In-class exercises - 30 points
INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENTS (10 points): Two assignments (5 points each) will be due on the dates indicated. This assignment will require you to collect information or to read and work with assigned material and write something. These assignments must be handed in during the class for which they were assigned. THEY WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED AT ANY OTHER TIME. Instructions for the following assignments will be handed out. Due dates are listed in the schedule at the end of this syllabus.
Assignment 1: Report on the social psychological sources for the study of romantic love

Assignment 2: Report on a recent article in a major social psychology journal.
IN-CLASS EXERCISES (20 points) (In assigned lab groups) This is a class in which active learning, through hands-on participation in projects, is emphasized. Discussion and/or research exercises will be carried out in class time in assigned lab groups or in spontaneous groupings (e.g. students might spend class time working on a case study, role-playing different social scenarios, brainstorming to design a questionnaire, or going onto the campus to observe behavior). A significant part of many of our classes will be devoted to this component. Students who participate and write up and hand in the results will receive credit. Those who are absent for whatever reason or who do not participate or write up the results will not receive credit. (Up to Two missed exercises will be allowed without penalty). Your grade on this aspect of the course will be based on the proportion of the class exercises and that you complete satisfactorily.
2) Group Project - 25 points
You will work in a group of 4 to 5 people to prepare a 15-20 minute creative, interesting, and memorable class presentation about the life and work of a prominent social psychologist. These presentations will be made on the date that we cover material relevant to that person's research in class. You may form your own group, if you wish. I will construct groups for everyone who does not wish to form their own. You must let me know by August 28 (i.e.our second weekly class) if you have formed your own group (and give me a list of participants). If I have not heard from you by the end of that class, I will assign you to a group. Your group must pick a social psychologist from the list, and your presentation will be on the date that matches that name. The first group to let me know that they wish to choose a particular name will get that name, and no more than 2 presentations will be given for each set of presentation dates. Some class time will be devoted to group meetings on Sepember 4th and on subsequent dates.
Click here for    Project Instructions
Questions you may have:
Q: What if I do not appear for group meetings in class, or agreed-upon out-of-class meetings?
A: You will be lose marks whenever you miss in-class meetings unless you can demonstrate that you were prevented from coming by a serious emergency and you contact me and/or your group members ahead of time to explain your absence. If you miss out-of-class meetings, you must contact your group ahead of time and find a way to do your share of the work.. If you do not do this, your grade will be lower.
Q: What if I fail to live up to my contract with the group, miss deadlines, don't do what I agreed to do, etc.?
A: Part of your grade is determined by your fellow group members. Thus, if you consistently disappoint them and let them down, your grade will be lower.
3) BONUS POINTS: UP TO 8 points altogether
Up to 3 bonus points can be earned by participating in approved psychological research in the department (1 point for each study). Write up a brief (2 or 3 sentences) description of the study and have the researcher sign the description.
Up to 5 bonus points can be earned by attending and submitting a one-page report on designated out-of-class lectures or events (1 point per lecture). Write a one-page report and turn it in within one week of the event.
A: At least 132 points out of 150 (88%)
B: At least 120 points out of 150 (80%)
C: At least 105 points out of 150 (70%)
D: At least 90 points out of 150 (60%)
Example of Grade Calculation:
A student gets 18/20 on the first test, 14/20 on the second test, and 15/20 on the third test. She gets 24/35 on the final exam. She never missed a class, so she gets 20/20 on her in-class work. She turned both of her assignments, and they were done properly, so she gets 10/10 on her assignments.Her final project grade is 19/25. To calculate her grade, she adds all of these scores (18+14+15+24+20+10+19) to get a total of 120. She earned 2 bonus points, which bring her total to 122. Consulting the above GRADING chart, she sees that 122 out of 150 is a B.
List of Prominent Social Psychologists from which to choose for the Group Project:
Chapters, Possible Names: Presentation Date:
Chapter 2 - Leonard Eron, Diana Baumrind September 11
Chapter 3 - Roy Baumeister, Hazel Markus, Henri Tajfel, Jennifer Crocker September 25
Chapter 4 - Diane Tice, Mark Snyder, Judith Hall, Alice Eagly, Bernard Weiner Edward Jones October 2
Chapter 5 - Kay Deaux, John Williams, Deborah Best, Susan Fiske, Robert Rosenthal, Melvin Lerner, Martin Seligman October 9, 16
Chapter 6 - Robert Zajonc, Daryl Bem, Leon Festinger October 23
Chapter 8 - Claude Steele, Greg Herek, Patricia Devine, Kenneth and/or Mamie Clark October 30
Chapter 11 -Ellen Berscheid, Susan Cross, Karen Dion, Dan Russell November 6
Chapter 12 -Elaine Walster, Mary Ainsworth, Phillip Shaver, Robert Sternberg John Lee, Kenneth Dion November 13, 20
Chapter 14 -John Darley, Bibb Latan‚, Jane Piliavin, Daniel Batson December 4
Note: Additional readings, available on the Powerweb site will be assigned occasionally. When such readings are assigned, they will be covered on the tests for the section of the course in which they were used.
Dates: Topic: Read:
August 21 Overview of social psychology Franzoi, chapter 1
August 28 The power of social situations over us: Social influence Franzoi, chapter 9, pp. 277-297 (Social influence) & pp. 329-334 in ch. 10
September 4 Power of social situations (continued): Franzoi, Chapter 9, pp. 298-319
September 11 Doing research in social psychology Franzoi, chapter 2
September 18 TEST #1 (covers Franzoi chapters 1, 2 & 9 & pp. 329-334, other assigned readings, & all lecture material)
September 18 (2nd half) Library instruction session. Class will meet in the Library, Room 350 at 8 p.m.
September 25 The Self in Social Psychology Franzoi, Chapter 3
*Assignment #1 due October 2
October 2 Self-Presentation/Social Perception Franzoi, Chapter 4
October 9 Social cognition/Stereotyping Franzoi, Chapter 5

October 16     TEST # 2 (covers Franzoi chapters 3, 4 & 5, other assigned readings,
                       and lecture material). Second half of class will be devoted to projects
                       and discussion.
October 23 Attitudes & Persuasion Franzoi, Chapter 6, pp. 154-166, 176-191
October 30 Prejudice & Discrimination Franzoi, Chapter 8
*Assignment #2 due November 6
November 6 Interpersonal attraction Franzoi, Chapter 11
November 13 Intimate relationships Franzoi, Ch. 12

November 20     TEST # 3 (covers Franzoi chapters 6, 8, 11, 12, other assigned
                          readings, and lecture material).
                          Second half of class will be devoted to projects and discusssion.

November 27 - Thanksgiving Break No class
December 4 Prosocial behavior / Helping Franzoi, Ch. 14

Wednesday December 11, 8 p.m.:    Final Examination (Cumulative, based on a study guide to be handed out)

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