Gender:  the basics
Hilary M. Lips, Ph.D. Psychology
Radford University

 Copyright © H. Lips, May 2013
Routledge Books


Chapter 1:   Gender: Everybody has/does one

Gender and sex: Is there a difference?

A brief history of ideas about gender

Is gender “built-in,” or do we construct it?

The role of biology

The role of culture

Gender identity

Gender and other categories

The emphasis on differences

Chapter 2: Power, Inequalities, and Prejudice

Gender stereotypes: Instrumentality vs. expressiveness

Descriptions and prescriptions

“Truth” and stereotypes

The impact of the media on gender stereotypes

Women are wonderful—but incompetent? Evaluating women and men

Stereotypes and status

Sexism is complicated

Old-fashioned vs. Modern sexism

Hostile and Benevolent sexism

Sexism in the evaluation of work

Sexism and the media

Impact of sexism on its targets

Old-fashioned vs. Modern sexism

Hostile and Benevolent sexism

Sexism in the evaluation of work

Sexism and the media

Impact of sexism on its targets

Stereotype threat

Responding to expressions of sexism

Feminism as a collective response to sexism

Chapter 3: Relationships, Intimacy, and Sexualities

Gender and expectations of power and intimacy in interpersonal relationships

Women’s and men’s friendships

Sexuality in relationships

What does sexuality mean in relationships?

Culture, sexual self-schemas, and sexual scripts

 Desire, arousal, and satisfaction

Sexual empowerment for women and girls?

Sexual satisfaction

Couples: Long-term, intimate connections

Bases and styles of interpersonal power in relationships

Families with children

Chapter 4: The Gendered Workplace

Occupational segregation: Women and men in different jobs

Why occupational segregation?

The gender pay gap

Changing patterns and scope of employment discrimination

Employment discrimination: A brief history

Sexual harassment

Glass Ceilings and Glass Escalators: Is the impact of being a token different for women and men?

Motherhood penalties and fatherhood premiums

Affirmative action as a solution?

Moving toward family-friendly workplaces

Chapter 5:  Gender, Leadership, and Public Life

Gender and political leadership: Global trends and some examples

Gender and organizational leadership: Global trends and some examples

“Uncounted” leaders: Activist women

Gender stereotypes and the evaluation of female and male leaders

Leadership, self, and identity

The labyrinth

Are there “female” and “male” leadership styles?

Leaders as role models for women and men

The impact of leadership positions on the men and women who hold them

Chapter 6: Global Patterns of Gender-related Violence

Interpersonal violence is gendered

Intimate partner violence

Intimate partner violence against women

Intimate partner violence against men


Rape and sexual assault

Rape as a weapon of war

Violence as a public performance of gender hierarchy and norms

The business of gendered violence


Sex trafficking

Economic and health impacts of gendered violence

Chapter 7: Global Patterns of Gender and Health

Gendered patterns of disease



Health-related behaviors are influenced by gender stereotypes


Alcohol and other drugs


Risky sexual behaviors

Exercise and fitness

HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases

Reproductive health and maternal mortality

Contraception and abortion

Pregnancy, childbirth, and maternal health

Female genital mutilation

Depression and suicide

Access to medical care

Chapter 8: The Shape of our Future: Gender and the Aging Population

Changing demographics: An aging population means more women

Work and the gendered economics of aging: Who can afford a restful retirement?

Aging and the feminization of poverty

Gendered aspects of aging and health

Media messages to older men and women

Women, men, bodies and fitness at older ages

Disability and disease

The gendering of caregiving

Identity and relationships: Widowhood, social networks, social support

Purpose and meaning: Rethinking what matters

For further exploration

Epilogue:  The Future of Gender

  ". . . .  in a context of rapidly changing technology and global media reach, the tide of change in women’s roles is unlikely to be turned back. . . . . As women and men journey together into a future that appears dynamic and uncertain, there will be a continuing necessity to question long-held assumptions and experiment with new roles."




Gender: the Basics     A New Psychology of Women, 3rd Ed     Women, Men, and Power     Sex & Gender: An Introduction
Gender Center Home Page          Psychology Home Page           Radford University Home Page
Created by   H. Lips          Books           Home Page          © H. Lips, May 2013          Last updated May 22nd, 2013