European Literary Trails
  Study Abroad Program

English Department Study Abroad Program
Director: Professor Jolanta Wawrzycka

 What to Know Before You Go 

Our Spring Pre-Departure Sessions will offer some practical information: what to pack, how to prepare,  etc., all in the spirit of making your three-weeks' experience more meaningful and insuring a safe and successful trip. 
At this point, let’s consider carefully the following set of rules, some of which I adopt from RU Student Handbook, as well as from materials  developed by other directors of RU Study Abroad Programs. Since "European Literary Trails"  Program goes to two different countries, it is of paramount importance that you are thoroughly familiar with this document.

The goal of today’s Orientation Session is to discuss the Program rules, to initial all points, and to sign the document at the bottom; I will deposit it in the International Education Office prior to our departure in May.

bullet Conduct by Foreign Guests: Because you will be a foreign guest in the countries of European Union and because you will  represent Radford University as well as your own country, you will have to be conscious of your manner of conduct.  That includes attention to some of your habitual behaviors:  being polite, open-minded, understanding, etc. 
bullet Laws of the Host CountryWherever you are, you are under strict obligation to obey all laws of the host country--particularly the laws concerning the purchase, possession, use, or distribution of "illicit or controlled substances."  Radford University will not tolerate "behavior that is illegal, obnoxious, or embarrassing" to our study abroad group. This applies to big offenses, as well as to such "minor" offenses as removing objects from restaurants  or  hotels. For instance, consider that taking ashtrays" or "shooters" from restaurants as souvenirs is stealing.
bullet Safe & Proper Conduct:  Your proper behavior will include being on guard with strangers (as in “flirting"). If you can't help projecting an inviting attitude, absolutely do not bring your new acquaintances to your dorm/hotel room. You will share rooms with other Program participants and you  are NOT to offend their sensibilities and right to privacy. Conversely, do not go to your new acquaintances' rooms or apartments at any time--you are potentially putting yourself in grave danger and there is nothing that your professor or your fellow-travelers can do to help you (should you need help).   
bullet Respect:  Since you will be a part of a group for about three weeks, remember that moods may change and tempers may fly.  What do you normally do to deflect a "heavy" situation?  As you know, actions of one can affect the moods of many, so it is important to project a respectful attitude towards each other  (not to mention towards our hosts). Avoid  "antisocial behavior," as you keep the "Adventure Behavior" page in your mind.
bullet Dismissal From the Program:  The Radford University Honor Code will be in effect throughout our Program.  Any serious violation of the RU Honor Code could result in sending you home early and judicial action later.  In addition, unacceptable or illegal conduct on the part of any participant will result in immediate and unconditional dismissal, with no refund of fees or tuition (those behaviors are listed in a document provided by the International Office,  "RU Study Abroad Standards of Student Conduct). 
bullet Services:  As participants in a complex set of cultural processes, you are asked to clear your actions with the professor.  For instance, do not  deal with the hotel management or travel personnel about any problems you encounter with service. Your concerns/complaints must go through your professor who, as your group leader and your representative on location, negotiates all services and coordinates all transfers.
bullet Class Conduct on Location:  Please, pay attention to all instructions given by the professor--that includes social/cultural matters, as well as course content. In museums, cathedrals and other cultural sites, do stay close as the lectures are in progress. Also, please do obey restrictions on flash photography in  museums, churches, castles, and other cultural sites.
bullet Attendance at Program Functions:  Field trip attendance (including museums, historical sites, etc. ) is mandatory. There is some built-in flexibility in the Program and some free time. In Italy, you may wish to participate in a hotel-sponsored "subject" tour, or travel to Rome, Venice, etc; please clear your plans in advance with the professor. Bear in mind that your tour will have to be reflected/reported in your final project.
bullet Breakfast Sessions are mandatory - you need to arrive to the morning sessions on time, alert, and ready. You must also be ready to leave the hotel or arrive at the designated place on time.  Promptness is particularly important on field-days and transfer days: the group will not wait for stragglers.  Be aware that on some day trips we may leave early in the morning and return late in the evening. Complaints are not welcome--but keen sense of humor and spirit building activities (jokes? singing? limericks?) are!
bullet Use Common Sense: Getting enough sleep before travel and before field days would, well, make sense. Chances are you will be tempted to stay out late--just remember that you will also have to get up early the next morning for our "Breakfast Session" lectures. When we travel outside of our "hub cities," you might not want to miss the scenery: what are the chances that you will see those sights again? And how will you enter them in your daily log/diary?
bullet Speaking of logs/diaries: a notebook is a must and you should never be caught without it. Make every effort to record your thoughts and queries, to take notes about places, food, and language--anything that enters the range of your senses. You will be grateful you kept a log when it comes to building your final project web site, so start even before our departure, as you read about the places you will visit.

As a participant of the Maymester "European Literary Trails" Study Abroad Program, I have read and initialed all the points above.  By  accepting admission to this program and signing this document, I make a commitment to support and abide by the program's Rules and Regulations and by the University Honor Code without compromise or exception. I understand that this class will be conducted in strict observance of the RU Honor Code.


Name (print) ...................................................................….    Signature….....................................................…………  Date:…....……