Radford University Study Abroad Program

European Literary Trials

Director: Professor Jolanta Wawrzycka

Jason Jobse's Web Site, 2007

Greetings Viewers,

May 15, 2007, I departed from Regan National Airport and sent out on my first international trip: a Study Abroad "European Literary Trails" Program that took me to Ireland and Italy. With my camera charged and journal packed, I set out on a journey that I would never forget. Our literary journey took us to Galway, Sligo, and Dublin, Ireland, as well as to Florence, Italy. Throughout our travels I knew that I was having the time of my life and it wasn’t until I was on that lonely airplane ride home to DC that I realized how unforgettable our adventure really was.

My website describes the many different activities that encompassed our "Literary Trails" course activities and how they tie into all of the literature we read (and listened to) along the way. I will also be talking about many different personal experiences throughout my first international travel.

Let me start out by say that even if you are like me and get so excited that you can't sleep at night, it is a very good idea to sleep on your plane rides because the jet lag when I got there was absolutely horrible. Also try and pack as light as possible. When I was lugging my huge bags all over, I was constantly cursing myself for packing so much. Being a Computer Science major, the thought of not having a laptop gave me the chills. But this was another item that I could have left at home, because there was an abundance of internet cafes. Referring to our professor's information packets and to the web sites of past Eurotrails students (see European Literary Trials), helped me a lot in my pre-departure panic. Another helpful hint would be this: in addition to carrying copies of your identification in your luggage, save a copy of your files to your Radford University H: drive. No matter where you are, if there is access to the internet, you will have access to your information.

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