ITEC 122 Discrete Mathematics

Spring 2007


Professor Dr. C. Shing

Office Davis 209

Office Hours M, W,  F 11 am - 12 noon; F 3 pm – 4 pm; T 8 am – 9 am,  or by appointment

Phone 831-5996


home page:


Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications,  6th Ed,   by Kenneth H. Rosen, McGraw-Hill, Inc. 2006


An introduction to discrete mathematical concepts including set theory, finite state machines, and induction.. 

Prerequisites: ITEC 120 ("C" or better) and MATH 121, or MATH 138 or MATH 140 or MATH 145 or MATH 151 or MATH 155. Students who have received credit for CPSC 122 may not receive credit for ITEC 122.

Goals and Objectives of the Course:

  • To introduce certain theoretical concepts of discrete mathematics which are especially pertinent to information technology.
  • To further acquaint students with the methods of mathematical problem solving in general.
  • To apply mathematical theory to aid in designing and validating computer programs.


1. Logic and sets: basic concepts, combinatorial circuits, Boolean algebra, proof
2. Counting principles: basic techniques, combinations, permutation, notation, the binomial theorem
3. Recurrence relations, mathematical induction and recursion
Graph theory: trees, binary trees, search algorithms, shortest path algorithms, spanning trees, connectedness, matching, cycles, applications
5. Complexity of algorithms: time and space, big O notation

Grade Computation:

Professionnalism: 15%, Attendance (drop the lowest)

Assignments 15 % (drop the lowest, allow collaboration, hand in individually)

3 Midterm Exams 45% (closed book, in class, multiple choice, drop the lowest)

Final Exam 25% (non-comprehensive)

Attendance Policy:

Students must attend every class.  Absences of classes for more than 2 weeks will be awarded a grade F for the course no matter how you perform in the rest of categories. All excused and make-up work must be pre-approved by responding to e-mail or formal documentation by either doctor or dean of students.

Honor Code

By accepting admission to Radford University , each student makes a commitment to understand, support, and abide by the University Honor Code without compromise or exception. Violations of academic integrity will not be tolerated. This class will be conducted in strict observance of the Honor Code. Refer to your Student Handbook for details. In particular, the copying of computer assignments, in whole or in part, will be considered plagiarism. Students may discuss each other in the lab not in assignment programs. Furthermore, consulting with anyone other than the instructor on either the nature or answers to programming assignments is expressly forbidden.

Assignments Grading Policy

All work will be due in class. No late work will be accepted.