Vim Language Summary

An alphabetical list of all vim commands
For a similar list, see :help quickref (which is missing a few things, such as g+g-)

Normal Mode Commands, operators, motion (Mostly single characters)

    a A                         Append at char/eol
    C           c               Change to eol/motion
    D           d               Delete to EOL/motion
    i I                         Insert at char/bol
    J                           Join lines
    K                           Keyword lookup in vim help
    m                           Set mark
    o O                         Open INPUT below/above
    p P                         Put yanked text below/above
    q                           Macros
    Q                           Enter ex mode
    r R                         Replace insert/overwrite
    s                           Substitute to INPUT mode
S                               Substitute lines
    u U                         Undo change/all changes to line
    v V ^V                      Enter visual mode: char, line, block
    x X                         Delete under and after/before cursor
    Y           y               Yank line/to motion
    ~                           Change case of character and go to next char (if tildeop not set)
                ~               Change case to motion [if tildeop is set)
                g~              Change case to motion [if tildeop is set)
                > <             Shift to motion
                =               Indent to motion

                        b B     Back a word/WORD
                        e E     End of word/WORD
                        f F     Find forward/backward in line
   G                            File info
                        h H     Cursor Left/to High in file
                        j       Cursor down
                        k       Cursor up
                        l L     Cursor right/to Low in file
                        M       Curosr to middle line of file
                        n N     Repeat previous search/opposite direction
                        t T     to character in line / backwards
                        w W     Forward a word/WORD

Normal Mode Commands, operators, motion/text objects (Mostly two characters)

                gw          Format lines
                g~          Change case

                        gd gD       Go to declaration (from func or file start)
                        ge          Backward to end of word
                        gg          Go to Top of file
                        go          Go to byte
                        'R          Go to mark R

                                    iw aw     inner/a word (exclude/include delimiter)
                                    iW aW
                                    ip ap     paragraph
                                    is as     sentence

                                    i( a( ib ab    block
                                    i{ a{ iB aB    Block
                                    i[ a[
                                    i< a<
                                    i" a"
                                    i' a'
                                    i` a`
                                    it at

    mR          Mark current location with mark R
    ga          Display ascii of current character
    g8          Display hex byte(s) of current character (bytes in multibyte characters)
    gb          Go to bookmarked directory

    g^g         File info
    gh gH g^H   Enter Select mode

    gi          INPUT at previous location
    gI          INPUT col 0 ignoring tabs

    gj          Display characters up
    gJ          Join without adding spaces
    gk          Display characters up
    gm          Screenwidth right

    gp          Put (cursor after)
    gq          Format
    gr gR       Virtual replace
    gs          Go to Sleep
    gt gT       Go to tab n / backwards
                gu gU 
    gv          Remark visual selection
    gV          Avoid automatic reselection of selection

    zA		   open a closed fold or close an open fold recursively
    zC		   close folds recursively
    zD		   delete folds recursively
    zE		   eliminate all folds
    zF		   create a fold for N lines
    zM		   set 'foldlevel' to zero
    zN		   set 'foldenable'
    zO		   open folds recursively
    zR		   set 'foldlevel' to the deepest fold
    zX		   re-apply 'foldlevel'
    za		   open a closed fold, close an open fold
    zc		   close a fold
    zd		   delete a fold
    zf{motion}	   create a fold for Nmove text
    zi		   toggle 'foldenable'
    zj		1  move to the start of the next fold
    zk		1  move to the end of the previous fold
    zm		   subtract one from 'foldlevel'
    zn		   reset 'foldenable'
    zo		   open fold
    zr		   add one to 'foldlevel'
    zv		   open enough folds to view the cursor line
    zx		   re-apply 'foldlevel' and do "zv"

    zb		   redraw, cursor line at bottom of window
    zt		   redraw, cursor line at top of window
    zz		   redraw, cursor line at center of window
    z^		   cursor on line N (default line above window), otherwise like "z-"

    ze		   when 'wrap' off scroll horiz,put cursor at end (right) of screen
    zh		   when 'wrap' off scroll screen N characters to the right
    zl		   when 'wrap' off scroll screen N characters to the left
    zs		   when 'wrap' off scroll horiz,put cursor at start (left) of screen
    z		   same as "zh"
	z	   same as "zl"

SPELL COMMANDS (turn on with :set spell)
    zg		   mark word as good spelled word
    zw		   mark word as wrong (bad) spelled word
    zW		   mark word as wrong (bad) spelled word
    zG		   mark word as good spelled word

Normal Mode CTRL Commands

    CTRL-G    File info (gCTRL-G for more info)

    CTRL-F    Scroll forward 1 page - cursor to top of screen
    CTRL-B    Scroll backward 1 page - cursor to bottom of screen

    CTRL-U    Scroll window up half screen - cursor loc on screen same
    CTRL-D    Scroll window down half screen - cursor loc on screen same

    CTRL-E    Scroll window down - cursor stays on line, moves up on screen
    CTRL-Y    Scroll window up - cursor stays on line, moves down on screen

Visual Mode Operators for Char, Line, Block Visual Selections

Do all of these work for all three selections?
In select mode v, V, ^V either changes type if different or exits if same.
    x       Delete
    d       Delete
    r.      Replace with single character .
    s       Substitue with string
    > <     Shift
    =       Indent
    ~       Change case 
    g~      Change case
    gu      Change to upper case
    gU      Change to lower case

Operators for Input/Replace Mode

    ^C Esc                  Exit Insert/Replace Mode
    ^@                      Insert previous and stop insert
    CTRL-A	                Insert previously inserted text. 
    <BS> or CTRL-H	Delete the character before the cursor 
    <Del>		        Delete the character under the cursor.  
    CTRL-W		            Delete the word before the cursor 
    CTRL-U		            Delete all entered characters in the current line 
    <Tab> or CTRL-I   Insert a tab.  
    <NL> or CTRL-J	Begin new line.
    <CR> or CTRL-M	Begin new line.
    CTRL-K {char1} [char2]  Enter digraph (see |digraphs|).  
    CTRL-N		            Find next keyword (see |i_CTRL-N|).
    CTRL-P		            Find previous keyword (see |i_CTRL-P|).

    CTRL-R {0-9a-z"%#*+:.-=} Insert the contents of a register.  
                '"'	the unnamed register, has text of the last delete or yank
                '%'	the current file name
                '#'	the alternate file name
                '*'	the clipboard contents (X11: primary selection)
                '+'	the clipboard contents
                '/'	the last search pattern
                ':'	the last command-line
                '.'	the last inserted text
                '-'	the last small (less than a line) delete
                '='	the expression register: prompted to enter an expression 

    CTRL-R CTRL-R {0-9a-z"%#*+/:.-=}Literally insert register contents.  
    CTRL-R CTRL-O {0-9a-z"%#*+/:.-=}   Literally insert reg w/o ai
    CTRL-R CTRL-P {0-9a-z"%#*+/:.-=}   Literally insert reg w/  ai

    CTRL-T		Insert one shiftwidth of indent at start of the current line.  
    CTRL-D		Delete one shiftwidth of indent at the start of current line.  
    0 CTRL-D	Delete all indent in the current line.  
    ^ CTRL-D	Delete all indent in the current line.  
    CTRL-V		Insert next non-digit literally.  
    CTRL-Q		Same as CTRL-V.
    CTRL-X		Enter CTRL-X mode.  For completion or scrolling
    CTRL-E		Insert the character which is below the cursor. 
    CTRL-Y		Insert the character which is above the cursor.
    CTRL-_		Switch between RL and LR languages, as follows:
    CTRL-^		Toggle the use of typing language characters.
    CTRL-]		Trigger abbreviation, without inserting a character.
    	Toggle between Insert and Replace mode.  

Command line commands



    See :options
    Or See options section of :help quickref 

Lists of Things

    :set all
    :set thing
    :verbose set thing
    How to save results into buffer: 

Command Line Commands
