Developing and Submitting Programs, VPN, Using Rucs


This document describes what needs to be done to compile and submit your Ada programs.

For personal machines, install the following:

Choose a development environment, either an IDE or the command line (and install on personal machine) For personal or on-campus machines, do the steps below for every program. The examples assume that you want to create and submit the file homework_one.adb.

Get the GNAT Ada Compiler [for personal machines]:

  1. Download an appropriate installer from

  2. More installation information on this page
  3. The GNAT compiler is already available on rucs and on department lab machines

Choose a development environment (IDE or command line) and Create File

Create and edit homework_one.adb using either one of these IDE or the command line. Each of the following is available on department machines and can be installed on personal machines:

Install VPN

  1. VPN session required to access rucs or mount U drive from a personal machine

Compile and run an Ada program:

  1. Adagide or GPS: Press the build and run buttons
  2. Command line:
  3. Accessing the command line:

Copy your files to rucs

  1. Before you can submit a file, you must copy it to rucs (if it's not already there)
  2. Copy to rucs, using either WinSCP or scp or by mapping your U: unix drive.

Login to Rucs (to use the command line to edit and compile and/or to submit)

  1. Personal machines - do this first:

  2. Windows: Run putty and enter as the Host Name
  3. Mac/Linux Terminal: in a terminal window, enter ssh

  4. Enter your username and password at the prompts

  5. Your U: drive should be your rucs home directory
  6. If you have no home directory, see the Help Desk immediately

Submit your program from rucs

  1. Use putty (or a terminal window) to access rucs and compile and submit the file:
    1. Connect and log in to rucs (VPN connection required if off campus, and perhaps if you are on campus)
    2. If homework_one.adb is in a subdirectory, use cd to navigate to that subdirectory
    3. Compile your program on rucs, to create an executable and to verify that it works on rucs:
    4.          gnatmake homework_one
    5. Submit the .adb file :
    6.          submit itec320-02 homework_one.adb 
    7. Check that the submit worked:
    8.          submit itec320-02 -ls 
    9. This submit should list the file that you submitted