--  Demonstrates a while not end of file loop
--  Reads input from standard input.
--  To read from file (such as some_data.txt), redirect the input:
--     ./demo_input < some_data.txt
--  If some_data.txt contains:
--|    33
--|    44 55
--|       66
--  The output will be:
--| 33
--| 44
--| 55
--| 66
--  Two things to watch out for:
--     1. Make sure that you create your data file on same OS as you
--          use for compiling.  You may need to type in your data rather
--          than cutting and pasting from the web.
--     2. There should be no white space after the last data value in
--          your file
with ada.integer_text_io; use ada.integer_text_io;
with ada.text_io; use ada.text_io;

procedure demo_input  is
   i: Integer;
   while not end_of_file loop
      put(i, 3);
   end loop;

   -- Other loops that we looked at:
   --  for j in 1 .. 10 loop  -- hmm, is j declared anywhere?
   --     get(i);
   --     put(i, width => 5);
   --  end loop;

   --  get(i);
   --  while i > 0 loop
   --     put(i, width => 5);
   --     get(i);
   --  end loop;

   --  -- loop and a half:
   --  loop
   --     get(i);
   --     exit when i < 0 loop
   --     put(i, width => 5);
   --  end loop;
end demo_input;